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~ I'm back, dinner?
I looked at my phone in surprise, it was 5.30. He had only just got back and he was already asking me out for dinner?

~ Ah, okay, aren't you tired?
~ Nope, I'll pick you up at 8
~ Sure

That date had led to another one, then another and another one. I was surprised and half expected each one to be the last. They had all ended with us in the car making out like a couple of teenagers. Each time more heated and intense. We had been out early, first a walk along the beach, then a late lunch on  Malibu Pier. It was about six when he parked the car outside my building. Once again we started to kiss, it had become particularly hot, his hands were everywhere all at once and my resolve was quickly melting. Though if I was honest with myself, I had already decided that tonight was the night. "Can I come up?" he breathed softly into my ear. Just as I was about to agree, his phone started to ring. He glanced at it and cursed, "I gotta get this, fuck" he said picking it up. "What?" he barked down the phone. "Oh geeze, I forgot, alright alright, I'll be there soon" he groaned. "That was Shannon, I'm sorry, I have to go. We had a late meeting with our manager and lawyer that I completely forgot about" he said apologetically. I leant over kissing him softly. "That's okay" I whispered. "I'll call you tomorrow" he replied, pulling me close for one last lingering kiss. As I walked into my building, I felt a little disappointed. I had been on the verge of saying yes. Later that evening I messaged him.

~ It's too bad you had to go, I was about to invite you up, for water
~ Fuck Charlie, I can't leave even if I wanted to
~ That's okay, raincheck?
~ You better believe it

I had spent at least two hours on the phone with Raf, I had called him and dissected the entire evening. He told me that he had heard stories of Jared being an outrageous flirt and a bit of a asshole. I could certainly attest to at least one of those accusations. Raf had many famous and infamous friends and was privy to lots of gossip. He didn't hold back telling me about the things he'd heard about size, fetish's, style. I was no slouch in the bedroom but I secretly hoped I wouldn't disappoint. "You're amazing, and just because they say he's good in bed, doesn't mean it's true" he said laughing when I admitted my concern. "Yeah, I guess you're right" I said thoughtfully. "Don't keep seeing him Charlie, you know he's only out to fuck you" he warned. "You're probably right, but would it be so bad? I mean it's not like I'm looking for anything serious and he's sexy as hell" I laughed. "I see your point, just be careful, I don't want to see you get hurt" he said. "Why would you think that?" I asked him curiously, "honestly I don't know, it's just a feeling I get" he replied. I trusted him more than anyone in the world, with the exception of my brother. So his comment had left me thinking.

The next morning I was running very late. My editor had a real issue with punctuality, so I was practically pushing my way past the people exiting the elevator to run into her office. "Do you know what time it is Charlie?!" she snapped as I slammed the door closed. "Im sorry Elaine, there was traffic and my uber driver got lost..." I said fumbling for excuses. She waved her hand dismissing my bullshit, "you know I hate excuses, but, never mind, you're here now and I have a way for you to make it up to me" she said with a smile. I rolled my eyes, it was her, I'm about to screw you over smile. "What do I have to do?" I sighed sitting down. "Nothing terrible, don't worry, I want you to do a job for me before you head off for Europe" she said shuffling through some papers. "Now it's a special shoot, they've given us one opportunity. One day, one time that's it, which is why I've had to organize it so quickly" she said, finally finding what she was looking for, she waved it around. "I will need you to be at the Chateau Marmont tomorrow at 3.00, Jason will be there before you doing the interview then you'll do the photos" she said giving me the piece of paper. It was a privacy waiver, I quickly signed it and slid it back to her. "Who is it?" I asked curiously. "I can't say, you'll know once you get there" she said with a firm nod. "Fine, given it's so short notice, I'm guessing you want just a casual few shots? Is there going to be a lighting crew there, what's the deal?" I asked. "They are organizing that, they have their own people. I'm sure they'll let you know how they want to be photographed" she said, "what? That's just odd, if they end up looking terrible you can blame me" I said. "They won't, now get out, I've got things to do" she said dismissing me. I grabbed my stuff and got the hell out of there. I wondered who it was. They were probably some precious boy band, who thought they were rock Gods. I'd find out soon enough. I spent the day getting my gear ready and catching up on work. Later that afternoon I heard my phone signal a message. I picked it up, JL, I smiled to myself as I slid it across eagerly to read it. He texted me often, sometimes innocent messages just to see how I was doing. Then there were the ones laced with innuendo. He'd sent me a few selfies, the last one was half his face with his tongue poking out licking his bottom lip, Jesus I got wet just looking at that one.

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