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I woke to incessant knocking on my door. I sat up pushing my hair out of my face in confusion and glancing at the nearby clock, 6.20 am. Who the fuck was knocking so obnoxiously at this time of the morning?? I got out of bed and stumbled my way over to the door, throwing it open, "what the hell do you wa ... ?" I started to say, stopping mid sentence my eyes widening at the culprit. I was dumbstruck for a moment and that was all he needed to push past me and walk in. I quickly gathered my senses, "what are you doing here? you need to go, now" I demanded. He raised an eyebrow, "is he here?" he asked quietly, scanning the room and motioning his head towards the bathroom. "No he's not here, you shouldn't be either, please leave" I said my hand still holding the door open. "I'm not going anywhere so you can close that" he said dismissively, taking a seat on the nearby sofa. I exhaled in frustration slamming the door closed and walking over to stand near the window, crossing my arms across my chest "what do you want?" I demanded in exasperation, but I greedily drank in the sight of him. God how I'd missed those beautiful blue eyes, his sharp jaw, covered in a light stubble. I suddenly remembered how it felt when it grazed my skin as his lips moved across my body, a shiver ran through me as the memories came flooding back. "What is it?" he asked watching me curiously, "nothing ... how did you even find me?" I asked him exhaling in frustration. He waved his hand airily, "it was easy to find you, I'm sorry I woke you but I wanted to catch you in case you were leaving early, we have things to discuss" he said simply. "No we don't" I said firmly. "Yes we do, I do. Let's start with, why did you disappear without so much as a goodbye?" he said calmly. I took a deep breath thinking about what to say, the truth? That I was in love with him, but he'd never acknowledged my confession. Or that thoughts of him consumed me? That even when I was with someone else my mind constantly wandered to him? Instead I said, "I .... can you just excuse me I'm just ..." I trailed off, he nodded silently and watched me as I walked off into the bathroom. I closed the door and leaned against it trying to relax my breathing, I needed a few minutes to collect myself before I faced his interrogation. I walked over to the sink and splashed cold water onto my face, then attempted to make myself look half decent. I took my time brushing my teeth and putting my hair up. I finally stood at the door, took a deep breath, opened it and walked out again. I was surprised to see him sitting in the winged chair in the corner next to the bed. He looked up at me. "Look, what is it you really want? After all this time, what does it matter now?" I asked with a frown. He got up out of the chair slowly and was suddenly in front of me. "I want an explanation. How dare you leave without saying a word!" he said harshly, running a hand through his hair. "I had to come home, my brother needed me that's it" I said biting my lip at the lie, taking a few steps back trying to distance myself from him. "And you didn't think after everything that passed between us, that I deserved a goodbye?" he asked frowning. "It was a job, and let's be honest, there was nothing between us but sex" I said with a roll of my eyes, hating myself for telling another lie. I heard a frustrated growl come from him, without warning he was in front of me again, his hands came up and grasped the sides of my head and his lips came crashing down on mine. He kissed me deeply, making my head spin, an involuntary moan escaping my throat. As soon as he pulled back I dragged in a few deep breaths to try and steady myself. "You're a fucking liar Charlotte" he breathed softly. "We shared something, night after night, together. It wasn't just sex, don't reduce it to that" he said frowning at me. I didn't know how to reply to that, all those memories flashed through my brain. He was right, but I wasn't about to admit it. My hands reached up so I could push him away, but as soon as they came into contact with his chest a small sigh left my lips, his firm abs tensing under my touch. Before I could speak his lips were on mine again, his tongue slipping into my mouth finding mine. I melted into him, my heart beating furiously as I threw myself into the kiss with abandon. One hand slid up into his hair holding him close, the other one strayed up under his shirt, my hand running across his chest, remembering the feel of him. He moved us both till we were alongside the bed. I knew there was no stopping what was about to happen and at that moment I didn't care, I was a ball of need. He stepped back slightly, pulling off my singlet and tossing it carelessly onto the floor, then quickly turning me around and bending me face down over the side of the bed. His hands grasped my shorts and panties and slowly pulled them down my legs, his nails running down my skin as he did, I shivered at the sensation as he helped me step out of them. His hands ran over my ass cheeks, squeezing gently and pulling them apart. I squirmed slightly, imagining his view, this only made me throb even more. He knelt down behind me, pulling my cheeks apart again. "Spread your legs" he ordered, I quickly complied, widening my stance. Suddenly I felt his tongue on me, running up between my folds, my knees almost buckling as it twirled around my clit, I was dizzy, panting desperately. I groaned, pushing myself back against his mouth. His hands pulled my cheeks wider and I felt his tongue pushing into me. I moaned loudly clutching at the sheets as his tongue continued to torture me. Embarrassingly quickly I was almost ready to come. Surprisingly he wasted no time pushing me over the edge, he would normally tease me relentlessly until I was totally desperate, begging him to let me come. Crying out as I shuddered in my release, my entire body was shaking as I lay down on the bed catching my breath. I turned to watch him slide down his pants, pulling them down past his hips, grabbing his jockeys on the way. He kicked them off and straightened up. Then grasped the hem of his T-shirt and pulled it off throwing it onto the pile on the floor. I swallowed hard as I reacquainted myself with the sight of his gloriously naked body. My eyes flicked up to his face and I saw a cocky grin settle there. I felt my face go red and I turned, hiding it in the sheets, embarrassed. He moved forward next to me, positioning himself at my side. I could feel his cock pressing against my thigh, it was hard, unyielding, he pushed against me wanting friction. I knew he was as turned on as I was and I felt a warm satisfaction. He grasped my hip with one hand and I felt the other move down to my pussy. I sighed in pleasure as I felt two fingers slowly slide into my wetness, still sensitive but quickly becoming aroused again. I pushed against his hand, the tension building within me again as his movements became faster. Gathering moisture he slid them up to my puckered hole and gently sunk in a single finger, I groaned loudly at the intrusion. "Has he .... ?" he asked in a hoarse voice as he slowly slid in another one and pumping them into me. "No" I managed to stammer. I felt his cock twitch against my leg, he pushed himself against me and exhaled, satisfied at my answer. He gently pulled his fingers out of there murmuring, "later". Sliding his attention back to my pussy. I was still shaking from my orgasm when he grabbed hold of my hips and in one swift movement he thrust into me, burying himself deeply as a loud growl escaped his throat. He set a brutal pace, thrusting into me, my body slamming against the bed. I didn't care, I welcomed his roughness, I was on fire. Incredibly my body was quickly climbing once again, I could tell my orgasm was near. I felt myself let go, losing myself in the sweet ecstasy of release, I cried out his name, begging him not to stop as my walls tightened and spasmed around his cock. He grasped my hair with one hand and my hip with the other, as he desperately fought to get a tighter grip on me. His grunts got louder and his movements more frantic as he rushed towards his own release. He gave a few final thrusts and finally let go. The groan that I heard from deep in his chest made my heart race faster and my head spin. It was primal and pure. His body shuddered until he slowly became still, our breathing hard but starting to return to normal. He finally pulled away and climbed up on the bed. He helped me up, laying me down next to him and pulling me close, nuzzling his face into my neck. We lay there breathless, covered in a fine sheen of sweat. I was pressed up against his body, my eyes were closed and I could feel my heart rate starting to slow down. My whole body hummed with happiness at being near him again, I never wanted to leave this bed. It was as though the 6 months apart had just dissolved into thin air. We were back at another nameless hotel after a show, wrapped in each other's arms. Suddenly we both jumped at the loud knock on the door. I sat up waiting to see if it would continue. Another knock. "Who is it?" he whispered, I shrugged, then it suddenly dawned on me. I gasped and covered my mouth, "shit I think it's Harry ... !" I muttered. His eyes narrowed and he sat up, "tell him to fuck off!" he hissed. "I will not" I whispered. "Then I will!" he said starting to get off the bed. Another knock made us jump again, "get in the bathroom and don't you dare come out" I warned furiously grabbing my shorts and singlet and pulling them on. I picked up his clothes throwing them at him and pointing to the bathroom. He looked furious, but did as he was told, I gave him a warning glance as he closed the door. I composed myself before nervously walking to open the door. Sure enough it was Harry, he grinned widely when he saw me. "Good morning Charlie, you're not ready?" he said taking in my appearance. "Hi, hi, were we ... did we have plans?" I asked confused. He frowned slightly, "we were going to go to breakfast at that pancake place everyone keeps raving about, you don't remember?" he said. "It must have slipped my mind" I replied truthfully. "I messaged you last night, didn't you see it? I just thought you must have fallen asleep but I figured you'd see it this morning" for the first time ever I heard real frustration in his voice. "No, I didn't see it" I muttered, my brain screamed at me, you were too busy fucking your ex lover!! I could feel the moisture between my legs, reminding me that I was a liar and a cheater! I felt awful, I wanted to confess then and there, the guilt making my cheeks burn. "I'm so sorry Harry, look if you give me half an hour I'll get ready and meet you down there" I said quickly, he forced a smile, "why don't I wait here while you get ready" he said taking a step to walk into the room. "No!" I practically yelled, he looked shocked at my outburst. I quickly recovered, trying to calm down. "I mean, ugh, I'm so ... slow and you'll get bored ... I'll be rushing and no .. it's ... I'll just meet you okay?" I stammered excuses, anything to get him out of there. I feared Jared might stroll out at any moment. "Relax, I'll go, just message me when you're ready and I'll let you know where I am" he said, I nodded exhaling imperceptibly in relief. He leant in to kiss me, I pressed my lips to his briefly and then stepped back forcing a smile. He smiled warmly at me then took off, I closed the door in relief leaning against it. "Did you just kiss him?" I heard the bathroom door open, "Jesus were you listening to the whole thing?!" I said in a low growl, he was standing there arms crossed looking furious. "Yes I was listening" he nodded shamelessly. "Well it's ...  you ... you, you, need to go, now!" I said throwing my hands up in frustration. "Do you have feelings for this guy?" he asked calmly, I stared at him for a moment then answered "This, was a mistake, one that I won't be repeating, please can you just leave?" I said. "You didn't answer my question, do you have feelings for him?" he asked as he started to get dressed. I looked away, "he's really, really sweet and I don't want to hurt him ... " I knew I was avoiding his question. "But you have no feelings for him" he said slowly, I shook my head, but he held up a hand to stop me, "because if you did you would say so, you would have kicked me out the minute I walked in here, you would have thrown it in my face. You would have told me that I shouldn't be here because you care about this really, really, sweet guy" he said inching closer to me until he was right up in my face, "You would have never let me bend you over the side of that bed and fuck you till you screamed" he said, trying to contain his frustration. I shook my head again, trying to find the words to refute him but it was impossible. Everything he said was true. "The only feeling you have is guilt, because you don't feel anything for him, I watched him kiss you yesterday Charlotte, you didn't even react, there was absolutely no emotion. I know you too well ... " he said accusingly. "You should leave" I said raising my voice and interrupting him. "This is the second time you're kicking me out of your room. Are you sure you really mean it? Cause I know you regretted it last time, I heard you, outside your door Charlie, sobbing your heart out" he said sadly. I turned my back to him, looking out the window, my heart breaking at his words. "Goodbye" I said stubbornly. "God you're infuriating" he said angrily, I spun around, "I'm not the one who .... who ... you know what, just go!" I stammered angrily. "Who what? What did I do?" he asked raising an eyebrow questioningly. "Just go!" I cried, barely able to contain my emotions. He looked at me, as though he was going to say something, instead he shook his head and slammed his way out of the room.

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