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I stood in the kitchen staring into the fridge but not wanting a single thing in there. I had no appetite, I shut it again without taking anything. I heard the front door open and close and plastered on a smile. "Good morning, nice to see you up" he said with a grin looking at the clock. It was only 10.30 but he liked to tease me about sleeping in. The truth was I couldn't bear getting out of bed and facing the world at the moment. He had been shopping and was opening bags and dumping stuff on the counter. "Oh check out what I found in Waterstones" he said cheerfully, he grabbed a paper bag and handed it to me. I pulled out the magazine and my eyes widened in surprise, my hand flying up to my mouth, covering the small gasp that had escaped me. The new edition of Spank, with the interview from all those months ago. "I remember you told me you took all the photos, I saw your name in the credits and grabbed it for you" he said cheerfully. The memories of that day flooding back to me, I nodded at him trying to stop the tears that were forming in my eyes. "Uh, thank ... thank you" I mumbled. I turned away before he could see how upset I was, I wasn't quick enough though. "Charlie what's wrong? Have I upset you?" He said turning me to face him. I shook my head, "no, I'm okay" I whispered trying to hide the sadness in my voice. "Why are you crying again? you've done nothing but cry since you got here, has he got something to do with it?" He said sharply pointing to the magazine cover. I shook my head unable to speak, but I couldn't fool him, he could read my mind. "Ah I understand now, it's him isn't it? That's why you ran away" he said, the truth finally dawning on him. I threw the magazine face down on the kitchen table, unable to look at it anymore. I covered my face with my hands trying to hide the ever present tears. "Well, I don't know what he did, but whatever it was, he's an asshole and he's not worth it Charlotte" he said gently, he pulled me to him and held me while I sobbed. Charles was right, he was an asshole, an asshole who I was in love with.

Jared's POV -
I sat looking at my laptop but not really looking, I couldn't concentrate on a single thing. It had been like this since I'd got home. The last few shows had been a strain, I hated going on knowing I wouldn't see her running around me snapping photos. Giving me a beautiful smile every time she got near enough for me to see it. How could she leave, after everything ... I knew we had fought, but we fought often before that last time, I thought we would make up like we always did. I was going to make things right between us, but she never gave me the chance. Maybe I just needed to forget about her, but two months later, this was still proving difficult. I had hooked up with an old acquaintance, but all I could think about was Charlotte. I didn't even stay the night, I left pretty much the minute it was over. I could barely admit it to myself, but I wanted her in my life.

Three months on ....

"I don't hate this" I whispered to Raf as we walked to our seats. "I told you you'd love it and you look gorgeous" he laughed, "thank you, I feel pretty gorgeous too" I said smiling. He had whisked me away from my self imposed confinement at my brothers. We were attending a few fashion shows in Italy, tonight it was Balenciaga. Raf had been invited and had brought me along as his date. It was kind of fun, we got to be made up, wear beautiful clothes and stand around drinking and milling with gorgeous models and a few celebrities thrown in, what could be better? We were front row this time, we had a perfect view and I was a little buzzed from the champagne. We stood before the show started, chatting to some acquaintances. I heard a flurry of activity across the room as a group walked in, probably someone noteworthy but I couldn't see who. I turned away uninterested and back to Raf who had just passed me another champagne, I sipped it rather quickly. "I'm cutting you off, just for the show. Then you can get totally potted" he laughed, I pouted at him. "But I want some more now" I whined, he grinned and shook his head. Suddenly he frowned, "Charlotte are you quite certain you wouldn't rather go, right now? We can go back to the hotel, order cocktails and sit by the pool?" he said moving forward to stand in front of me. "What? Why would I want to do that? I want to see this show, why would you even suggest it?" I asked confused. "Jared's here, he just walked in with a group. They're sitting a little further along on the opposite side" he said bluntly. I gasped, "are you fucking kidding me?" I hissed, he shook his head. Despite his warning I grabbed the arm of a passing waiter taking another champagne from him. Before I could do or say anything more, the lights dimmed and everyone was asked to take their seats. It seemed I was stuck there, unless I wanted to make a scene by walking out. I had turned the other way, not daring to even look in the direction he was sitting. I wondered if he had noticed me. "He's just caught sight of you" whispered Raf in my ear. I looked up at him, "just smile" he added softly. I looked back at the models who had started walking out. After ten minutes or so, I couldn't stop myself any longer, I casually looked across the room. My heart stopped, he was staring straight at me. I swallowed hard, my heart pounding furiously in my chest at the sight of him. He gave me a subtle nod of acknowledgment, I stared at him for a moment longer and looked away. "I want to go" I whispered to Raf, he turned to look at me curiously. "If you leave now you'll make a scene" he said. "I'm afraid I'm going to burst into tears" I said, struggling to keep my composure. He lifted a hand and cupped my cheek, leaning in to talk softly into my ear, "you will not, because I won't let you. You are going to smile and pretend that you're happy to be sitting with me" he said. I frowned, "I am happy to be sitting here with you, I don't need to pretend" I said, worried I'd offended him, he smiled, "of course you are, now don't look back at him" he said with a huge smile. I shook my head and smiled and let him kiss me softly, calming me down. We watched the rest of the show and I carefully avoided looking in Jared's direction. Once it was over we mingled a little, talking to various models and designers. I was happy to see some of my peers, catching up with them briefly while they worked the show. I had lost sight of Jared, maybe he had left, I hoped he had. I turned to go back to Raf but a hand on my arm stopped me. "Charlotte, how lovely to see you" said a voice I couldn't fail to recognize. I turned slowly, exhaling, there he was, a small smile on his face. "Jared, hello" I said tightly. "God, you look amazing" he murmured. "Thank you" I said looking away, he was taking in my appearance me slowly, appreciatively. "Did you enjoy the show" he said, I nodded, "yes I loved it, the designs were exquisite" I said. "Charlotte darling, shall we go?" said Raf appearing beside me, slipping his arm around my waist. "Ah, nice to see you again Jared" he said feigning surprise. I saw the annoyance on Jared's face, he nodded, "Raf" he muttered. "Come on, we've got a party to get to" said Raf smiling at me, "if you'll excuse us" he said with a cocky smile. "Goodbye" I said letting Raf gently lead me away. He looked like he wanted to say something but I turned away, not giving him the chance, not even daring to look back. An hour later and I was on my way to being very, very drunk. "You really are fucked, shall we go?" said Raf laughing whilst trying to take the champagne glass out of my hand. "Not yet" I giggled. "Charlotte, here you are again" said Jared, appearing out of nowhere. "And here you are! What are the odds?" I said with a sarcastic gasp, thank goodness I was drunk, my heart could be calm at the sight of him. "Are you drunk?" he said frowning. I rolled my eyes, "wow, nothing gets passed you does it?" I groaned. "That's enough fun for you Charlie, let's get you home" said Raf. "No no, I want to stay and have another drink" I said pouting he shook his head. "No, you've had more than enough. It's bedtime for you" he said smiling. "I think Raf is right, you should go" suggested Jared. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "you don't get to tell me what to do anymore, you're no longer my boss or my fuck buddy so mind your own business" I sneered. "Keep your voice down" warned Raf softly. "You're right Raf, let's go, I can't stand being around all these assholes" I said pointedly. Before I could walk away Jared took my hand, gently pulling me into his arms, pretending to hug me goodbye. "I was never just your fuck buddy, we were lovers and it meant something. I want to see you Charlotte, please call me, I miss you" he whispered in my ear, before kissing me softly on the cheek and letting me go. I stood there in stunned silence for a moment, he gave me a small nod and turned, walking away into the crowd. "Let's go" I said taking Raf's hand and letting him lead me out. By the time we got to our hotel I was stone cold sober, I stood in the shower letting the hot water run down my body, washing away the tears that flowed unchecked.

Jared's POV -
I was shocked to see her sitting across the runway. I'd never seen her look so stunning, she fit right in with the models, socialites and the rich and famous. She was with that asshole Raf, he kept whispering into her ear, his hand caressing her cheek. She looked up at him but I couldn't see her reaction, he smiled at her reassuringly, lovingly. Jealousy ate at me. I was barely even looking at the models, all I could focus on was Charlotte. Finally she turned, looking in my direction. She looked surprised, stunned. I gave her a small nod which she barely acknowledged and turned away again. I wanted that smile, the flirty raise of an eyebrow, joy at seeing me again. But she acted like I was a stranger, that had hurt. I finally found her in the crowd, but I barely got two words in before Raf swept her away. When I caught sight of her again at the after party my heart leapt, I walked over to talk to her but frustratingly, she was drunk. I'd never get any sense out of her, still I tried. She was being sassy and rude, no more than I expected. I whispered into her ear and hoped her intoxicated brain would remember what I'd said.

"Charlotte, can you cheer up please?" said Raf appearing and standing over me blocking my sun. "Did you bring me that cocktail I asked you for? That'll cheer me up no end" I replied in a snarky tone. We were at a chateau outside of Paris, it belonged to a friend of his and he'd invited us to stay. There were a few others there, I'd met them all before, they were all very friendly and it was a relaxed atmosphere. Exactly what I needed right now. It was beautiful and private, the weather was hot and we were lounging out by the pool. "Yes, it's right here" he said passing me another daiquiri. He took my phone and played around with it for a moment. "Look sexy" he said, "why?" I asked suspiciously. "Just do it" he insisted, I sighed, "I don't do sexy" I said, he raised an eyebrow. "You're sexy just being you" he said with a smile. I smiled back and shook my head, but went along with it, posing, for him. He sat on my deck chair, shifting me around, "what are you doing now?" I said exasperated, "just do it" he repeated. Finally happy with the way we were sitting, with me half lying on top of him. "Charlotte, do you want to fuck me?" he asked innocently, I burst out laughing and he chose that moment to snap a selfie of the two of us. He messed around with my phone for a minute or two then put it down. "Your Snapchat has some curious followers. Let's give them something to see" he said knowingly. "You're crazy" I sighed, making to move off him, but he held me firmly. "Charlie I was quite serious, let me take you to bed. I'll make you forget all about him" he said softly, his lips pressing against mine. "I don't think that's possible" I whispered sadly. He held my face and kissed me again, I let myself surrender to him. He was, loving and gentle, enveloping me in contentment, it was  like we'd never been apart. It felt so natural being together again. I lay there in his arms, feeling safe, peaceful. "Charlotte I forgot how much I love being with you" he said in a sleepy voice. I smiled, "me too, why can't all my relationships be like this" I replied with a sigh. "And you know I love you" he added kissing my forehead. "I know, I love you too" I said. "Tell you what, if neither of us is with anyone in say, 10 years, let's get married, what do you think?" he said smiling, I laughed and nodded, "okay, we're engaged" I said. It felt good to laugh again, no drama, just laugh. I smiled back at him and closed my eyes dozing off happily.

Jared's POV -
She never did ring me after the show. I didn't think she would sadly. I clicked on her Snapchat story, she'd been posting photos of Paris. Random beautiful shots of whatever she was looking at. She didn't often post selfie's, only if someone else was in the photo with her, otherwise she would post her reflection in windows, a mirror in the distance, things like that. But today someone was taking photos of her, I had no doubt as to who it was. I drank in the images, looking at them again and again. I gritted my teeth at one of them, she was laying half on him and he was grinning as she laughed at something. Her head was thrown back and she had her hand on his chest. I could almost hear her laughter as I looked at it. I felt a surge of jealously and anger. It was more than obvious that they had rekindled their relationship. It seemed we really were done.

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