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I sat having breakfast with Harry, having an internal battle, while trying to maintain a pleasant exterior. I didn't want to work today, I was worried that Jared would be there again. "Charlie, are you listening to a single word I'm saying?" I heard Harry's voice break through my thoughts. I blinked a couple of times and shook my head, "sorry, sorry, no, I wasn't listening. I didn't sleep that well and I'm not sure I can go today" I said apologetically. "It's the last day, you sure you can't get through it?" he said grasping my hand. I shrugged, "I don't know ...." I said trailing off, we separated as the waitress arrived, setting down our breakfast. My phone signaled a message, I glanced at the screen and bit my lip when I saw the name. Harry didn't notice thankfully, he was distracted asking the waitress for another coffee. I slid it across holding it up, trying to look as though I wasn't hiding the screen.
~ I can't stop thinking about this morning, I know you didn't mean what you said and I shouldn't have left
I exhaled imperceptibly, my stomach suddenly flipped and my heart started to race. Another message came,
~ I need to see you again, when are you going to be done having breakfast?
I tried not to gasp as I glanced around the cafe fully expecting to see him waltz up.
~ I'm not seeing you again, stop messaging me please, he's going to get suspicious
~ Bullshit, just tell him it's about work
~ I don't want to tell him anything, I want you to stop
As if on cue, "Who's messaging you Charlie? tell them to leave you alone, your food is going to get cold" said Harry smiling up at me from his pancakes. I nodded, "Uh, it's Charles he wants to know when I'm coming back" I lied. "Well I guess that's okay, you'd better answer him" he said with a laugh. I forced a smile and put down my phone. My phone went off again, I exhaled frustratedly, picking it up while trying to hide my annoyance.
~ Don't ignore me Charlotte
~ I'm busy
~ But I want your undivided attention and your luscious little body all to myself
I felt my cheeks go red and a bolt of desire shot straight to my groin.
~ I'm sure you can find some models who would be more than happy to give you plenty of attention. I mean you had a couple who seemed very willing the last time I was at a meet and greet
Fuck you, I thought to myself with satisfaction.
~ I don't want them, I want you
~ Because it's convenient
"Charlie, I'm starting to feel rejected, please put your phone down and start eating" said Harry frowning. "Sorry, yes" I said nodding, I switched it to silent and put it face down on the table. A minute or two passed and the light flashed signaling a message. I ignored it as it flashed a couple more times. Harry got up to go to the bathroom, so I quickly took the opportunity to look at the numerous messages.
~ Answer me - Charlotte you know I hate it when you don't answer me straight away - Tell that little puppy to mind his own business, I know he's telling you to ignore your messages
~ Where are you?
~ About time, don't worry I'm not stalking you, he's just predictable
~ Please leave me alone
~ I'm going into an interview, we will speak later
I breathed a sigh of relief at the reprieve. Hopefully this meant they wouldn't be there today, that they were too busy actually working. I sent up a silent prayer hoping I was right.

Later that day I walked backstage ready to start work and go out for the next act. I stood in a corner totally oblivious to what was going on around me. My head was swimming with thoughts of this morning, the guilt gnawing at me. But coupled with this was the memory of being in bed with Jared. My cheeks flushed, my stomach flipped remembering how amazing it had been to be with him again. I could barely look Harry in the eye for the remainder of breakfast, I overcompensated by being extra affectionate. Promising him that I would be free tonight. The thought saddened me, I knew I would think about Jared the entire time, just like I had other times. I couldn't help it, thank God Harry was no mind reader, he was ... kind and gentle and didn't deserve what I had done to him. I was surprised to see him approach out of the corner of my eye, I turned to smile at him. "What are you guys doing here, I didn't think you'd be here this early?" I asked him and his band mates. "We just heard Mars was playing, we had to come and watch" he said excitedly. My face dropped, I suddenly felt sick, "did you say Mars?" I said in almost a whisper. "Yeah apparently they were here watching and got asked to perform, as a laugh of course, but they agreed, surprise special guests, they're just playing a couple of acoustic songs apparently, didn't you know?" He asked, the smile still bright on his face. "No, I didn't know" I said shaking my head. Shit shit!! There was no way I was hanging around to deal with him again. "You know I think I'll sit them out, my camera has been playing up .... " I stammered looking for a quick exit before they appeared. Too fucking late, I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Charlotte, how nice to see you again, it's been too long" it was Jared, his tone almost sarcastic, but you would only realize it if you knew him well enough, which unfortunately I did. I whipped around to face him, "Jared" I nodded stiffly. He had swept in with the usual fan fare that accompanied him, techs and assistants trailing behind him looking harried. He smiled widely turning to face Harry, "nice to see you again Harry, I watched you guys play yesterday you were great" he said, Harry excitedly introduced him to the rest of the band. "Wait you were here yesterday?" I asked him curiously, "yeah, I snuck around checking out some of the bands, seeing who was here, I saw you but you mustn't have noticed me, you looked pretty busy" he said smirking. So he'd been here spying on me, I suddenly recalled his comment that morning about seeing Harry kiss me!! I was so angry, that fucker, pretending to be surprised to see me the night before!! The boys on the other hand were all so excited at his praise. From the direction of the dressing rooms I saw a familiar face approaching. "Hey Charlotte, I was hoping I'd see you here" Shannon approached, giving me a huge warm smile and wrapping his arms around me hugging me tightly. "I'm so pleased to see you" I said genuinely. "Me too, I've missed watching you running around like crazy, laughing and snapping photos" he said grinning, I couldn't help but smile at his words. He let me go then very cheerfully introduced himself to the boys. There was more excited praise from them towards Shannon, he and Harry immediately starting to banter and make jokes about drummers. Jared looked on, I could see him staring at Harry, I tried to imagine what was going through his head. "Well we're going to go out to see you play, it was great to meet you" said Jimmy, their lead singer. "I'll see you later Charlie" Harry said, giving me a brief kiss before taking off with the others. "Will you stick around Charlie?" asked Shannon, "ah yeah I think so" I said, not wanting Jared to know that I was going to do a runner. "Great I'll catch you later" he answered and wandered off with a sound tech. Jared leaned in towards me and whispered into my ear, "I almost feel bad, I like Harry, he really is a nice guy. I wonder how he'd feel if he knew you think about me when he's fucking you" I could hear the smug tone in his voice. I gasped audibly, "stop it" I hissed. "Or that when you cum, you wish it was me? you scream my name in your head, wishing it was me inside you ... wait, does he even make you cum? I mean .... " he continued in a snarky tone. "Stop, please .." I said suddenly on the verge of tears. "You know it's true Charlotte, you know you can't stop thinking about us, I bet you haven't stopped thinking about this morning. You're dreading going back to that baby boy, he may be sweet but he doesn't make you scream does he?" he said in a low growl. I turned to face him briefly, not able to stop a tear from rolling down my cheek. "Just leave me the fuck alone" I said with a small sob and rushed off, not daring to look back. He didn't follow me thank goodness, because I didn't go back to the press area. Instead I headed back to the hotel. I worked quickly packing up my room. In a thankfully short space of time I was in an Uber and on my way back to London and the privacy of my brothers house. No one but Harry knew where I lived and I knew he wouldn't tell anyone my whereabouts. I sent him a text telling him I'd felt ill and had to leave unexpectedly. I promised I would speak to him later. He replied with his usual kind concern, adding that I had missed an amazing performance by Mars. I rolled my eyes, I'd seen enough of them to last me a lifetime I thought to myself. I lay on the couch and sobbed, my stomach churning at the memory of Jared's words. All of them were true and I hated myself for it. My phone signaled another message, it was from Jared. I opened it warily.
~ coward, why did you disappear again?
~ cause you're a fucking asshole, how dare you talk to me like that
~ it's the truth you just can't admit it
~ We're no longer working or sleeping together, so
what is it you want? You wanted to prove that you could get me back into bed, that you could get me to cheat on my boyfriend? Well you won, that's it, it's over
~ that's not why I did it
~ why did you do it then?
~ Charlie, just stop being stubborn and come and see me, or I'll come to you
~ no, this is over, we're finished
~ we are far from finished
~ I am, I'm done

He didn't reply to that, wondering what he would do. Nothing, this was just a game to him, he liked to win. He'd gotten what he wanted, I hoped he would leave me alone now.

Jared's POV -
It's not finished until I say it is I thought grimly as I read her replies. She was so fucking stubborn! I looked up from my phone and smiled as one of our minders approached us with the band. I had asked him to go find them and bring them back to the dressing room. "You guys were fantastic!" Harry said excitedly, they all agreed enthusiastically, I smiled back, "thanks man, you're too kind" I said genuinely. I really did think he was a nice guy, I just couldn't handle the fact that he had what I wanted. "So listen Shannon and I are going to be in London tomorrow and want to go out. But we've got no idea where to go, we thought you guys might be able to show us around?" I asked him hopefully. Complete bullshit, I'd been to London so many times I knew exactly where to go, but it was a means to an end. "Oh yeah! Of course!" they all started to talk at once, one of them said, "we should go to Charlie's place, that's cool" I quickly turned to him, "where?" I said, trying to sound casual. Harry spoke up, "Charlie's brother, Charles, he has this great little bar, we go there all the time" he said nodding. "Great, let's do it, invite Charlotte if you like" I said clapping him on the back. "Okay sure, I'll see how she's feeling, she got one of her killer migraines" he said with a frown. "That sucks, they really hit her hard don't they" I said shaking my head, what a little liar she was, I knew she wasn't really sick. She'd run away, hiding from me, again. The thought made me uncomfortable. "Did she go home?" I asked, again trying to keep my tone casual. "Uh, I think that's where she's gone" he said vaguely, I could tell he was lying, not wanting to disclose her whereabouts. He was loyal I'll give him that I thought ruefully. I nodded and smiled as if dismissing the topic. We confirmed times and they left chatting excitedly. Shannon shook his head at me, he had been watching and listening from the other couch. "He's a nice guy why are you trying to fuck him around?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me. "I'm not trying to fuck him around, I'm appeasing my curiosity, I want to know what's between them" I lied. "Why don't you just admit you care ...." I held up a hand to stop him. "That's enough" I said dismissively, I got up and headed to the shower effectively ending the conversation. I wasn't admitting anything to anyone, especially when I couldn't even admit it to myself.

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