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A wedding in the middle of a war was not how Enith pictured her wedding. When she, Brienne, and Catelyn had arrived the camp was almost to Riverrun— Catelyn's childhood home. After having to be there for the funeral of their kin, Robb and the entire army decided to make Riverrun their home base. Despite living in the North all her life, Enith had never been to Riverrun. Ned and Catelyn preferred keeping the young Targaryen in Winterfell. It was safer that way. The place was nice— well the places not swarming with Robb's army. Most of the stuff was already there, now only a few supplies were left to be transferred.

Enith stayed close to Robb the entire time, head covered and dragon hidden in the saddle bag. Even after arriving, she greeted Lord Edmure and the Blackfish and quickly scurried to the room claimed for Robb. He was left with the task of informing everyone of the ceremony that evening while she worried in the room until he got back. He seemed to sense it as he wrapped his arms around Enith's middle, swaying the two of them from side to side. He kissed her temple and then took one of the white-tipped curls between his fingers.

"We'll have another one," Robb said. "In King's Landing or back in Winterfell. Or even here but with proper preparations, we'll have the wedding you want."

The dragon on the table yipped causing the two of them to laugh. Like Godswood, the dragon was black as night with a glimmer whenever light seemed to shine on its scales. Robb tried to pet it again, this time being allowed to. He hissed as the dragon bit at his finger.

"She knows you're afraid of her. You can't be, a dragon is a lot like a dire wolf. Strong owners are rewarded with their company."

"Have you named her yet?"

"Shadow... I don't want another one, another wedding. This one isn't perfect but I only want to be married once and I am, to you."


Gruff soldiers cleaned up as best as they could. Everyone was actually excited. A wedding was a semblance of normality. Not much could be done in terms of decoration and the food wasn't any better than it normally was but a wedding was still a wedding. Catelyn, Edmure Tully, the Karstarks, and other important figures stood at the front near Enith and Robb. They cheered as the vows were finished. Enith turned away from Robb and to the wedding guests.

"I know everyone is aware of the letter sent by Eddard Stark. He told the truth but it was still only partial. I am still a Northerner through and through, married to King Robb Stark in the North who I am proud to stand beside. And we Northerners do not bow. Now what I say next, for the safety and sake of Arya and Sansa Stark cannot be repeated. The secret I am to share cannot be uttered again until they are safe in our arms, I beg of you."

The hall grew silent. Robb's hand found Enith's and he gave it a gentle squeeze. She breathed in deep and looked at Godswood. With what she could only assume was a nod of understanding, Godswood left and returned with a dragon on his back. Gasps popped up through the crowd. Even the men who seemed to show no emotion at anything had looks of surprise and wonder on their faces. No one could believe the sight in front of them. Murmurs started about how they saw the white tips of Enith's hair but couldn't say what had caused the random change overnight. Shadow flew, not very far, from Godswood to your shoulder.

"Joffrey was personally responsible for the death of Eddard Stark. With my own eyes, I watched the man who safely raised me die. For such an act, the false king Joffrey Lannister must pay. Lord Eddard Stark will not die in vain. He bent the knee to protect his family and was murdered for honor. I will not bow anymore. My mother was Neryssa of Dorne briefly married to my father... Rhaegar Targaryen."

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