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Kylis, Nestar, and Rosyn ran at Enith as if no time had passed at all when she landed on the farm. Darren and his parents almost ran out as well but stopped when they saw Shadow. The dragon was larger than the last time they saw them. The Targaryen laughed as she slid down, extending her arms when she reached the ground so Eddard could jump down into them.

"Little Stark!" Waylar chirped.

Eddard stayed frozen in place, looking up at his mother. Enith nodded and gently pushed him forward, saying it was okay. It would be an adjustment for him. Everything would be from the cold of the North to the sights of people that weren't ghosts. But in time he would be fine— he already seemed to be as Kylis and Rosyn fawned over him as if he was their living doll.

"You two look so different," Darren said.

Enith reached into the bag around Shadow's leg right leg. Pulling out riches, she handed them to Waylar and Fryda. They stared in amazement at the coins and jewels in their hands. Fryda shook her head like she couldn't believe it was real.

"I told you I would pay you back in riches over for being kind to Eddard and I."


"Don't try to give it back. We are family and it is a present. Consider them gifts for everyone's name days that I missed. There is more."

"More?" Waylar asked.

"Shall we go inside?"

She followed the family into the tiny home she hadn't seen in forever. Rosyn brought out Robb's cloak, assuring she kept her promise to keep it safe. With a chuckle, Enith thanked her and settled it in her lap. She took out Robb's sword from the bag and took out her new sword— the large Valyrian one from the crypt— out of its sheath. Enith struggled a bit to pull the decorative pieces that went around the grip and pommel off of both weapons. Switching them around, the new sword now had the grip with a wolf's head on it.

"That sword over your mantle, it was yours first before being Darren's. Wasn't it, Waylar?"

The man nodded. Enith attached the old decorative piece onto Robb's sword and gestured for Darren to come over.

"That sword will go to Nestar if he becomes a soldier. A firstborn should have a sword of his own, one you can pass down to your own children. This sword belonged to a great man who lived and died by his honor no matter how stupid he could be sometimes. I hope it serves you as well as it served him."

Darren accepted with shaky hands. "Shouldn't this be passed down to Ned? This is the King in the North's sword."

"Ned and I have many things of Robb's, we can part with a few items. And it is time for us to try and let go a bit."

"Is that something you can do?" Fryda asked. "Let him go."

The woman sighed. "No. But I cannot let his memory continue to haunt us, Robb wouldn't want that. He would want it to mean something. I don't have sadness when I think of him any more. I have love for him and anger for our enemies, anger I will use to be smart and destroy them."

Grey Wind howled outside and Enith stood up. She wrapped Robb's cloak around her, clasping the two wolf head clasps together. The ends of her curls rubbed against the fur on the shoulders, the top black half covering any white as all her hair was down.

"I need you to watch Eddard. There is something I must do before we go back home."

Enith kissed her son on the head. "Be good for them, Little Prince. Watch over Shadow."

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