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 Eddard's light snore woke Enith up. She gently moved him to the pillow and very slowly swung her feet over the edge of the bed. With a groan, Enith stood up. Her hand immediately went to clutch the wound on the lower side of her stomach. The place that was once skin felt like an icy patch underneath her fingertips.

The world moved slower for Enith. From getting dressed to bathing to finally waking Eddard up. She almost tripped over Grey Wind— not noticing the giant wolf on the floor. He sprung up with a quickness and licked at her hand. The young mother set Eddard on top of him, the boy able to hold on by himself, and walked side by side through the empty and somber halls of Winterfell. Voices could faintly be heard and she followed them until they reached the courtyard of Winterfell.

Bodies greeted her. Piles of men and women stacked on funeral pyres. Jon, Daeny, Sansa, and others were holding torches to set them on fire. Sansa gasped when she saw Enith standing in the doorway. Her small noise made everyone turn from Jon's speech to see what she was looking at. Jon shoved the torch into Sam's hand and ran over to Enith, enveloping his sister in a hug.

"Ow, Jon, I'm still—"

"Sorry," he said with a chuckle as he set her back down. "You're alive, you're alive."

The slow, limping gait wasn't lost on everyone as Enith moved away from Grey Wind and towards the funeral pyres. She pushed Jon's hand away as he tried to grab her arm and help her. Gendry gave her a smile when she reached him— a light press of his lips to hers. Enith nodded at Jon to continue his funeral speech.

Unlike with Jon, Gendry wouldn't let Enith refuse his help. She gave up pushing him away and let his hand rest on her waist as they walked back inside. They were left alone— Eddard being taken by his uncle Jon although Enith knew Sansa or Arya would soon snatch him up. When she locked the door, she pulled Gendry to her with as much strength as she could muster. He melted into the fierce kiss before stopping and looking Enith over.

"You're still hurt," he said with concern.

I almost died, Gendry. Still could, just touch me."

He paused for a moment before invading her space again, aggressively capturing Enith's lips with his. Gently but quickly, he worked to pull off her dress. Gendry stopped as his eyes met her stomach. Slowly sinking to his knees, he looked at the large wound. His fingers brushed over the patch of ice. It was cool to the touch dare he say cold. The ice was jagged as well. He kissed it before standing back up, fingers squeezing Enith's hips and then thighs. He chuckled causing her to stop working at the strings on his shirt and look up at him instead.

"What?" she questioned.

"Nothing, your face while you are concentrating is cute."

"I'm trying to get you naked and you say that I am cute?"

Gendry peeled off his own shirt and the rest of his clothes. He grabbed Enith and pressed her up against him— she ignored the slight pain from when he did. His hand traced her face and then the white curls of her hair— the intricate hairstyle she still attempted to achieve that morning was about to be ruined but he still appreciated the beauty of it at the moment.

"What would you rather me say or do to you?" he asked with a smirk.

"You know I've been bedded by a King in the North before... I wonder what a Warden in the North would be like."

Enith gasped as his hands moved from herher hips to your breasts. "The entire Seven Kingdoms will hear you."

"Is that a promise?" she asked as he started leading her to the bed.

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