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The heavy rain woke Enith up. She reached for her husband, eyes opening when she didn't feel Robb in the bed. With little thought, Enith left the room in just a nightgown. The rain was chilling to the bone but the sight in front of her was what truly paralyzed. Lord Karstark was kneeling over a block while Robb had a large sword in his hands— Edmure and Catelyn pleading with him. Karstark lifted his head.

"We are kin, would you really execute me?"

"Kin didn't stop you from betraying me and murdering those boys. It will not stop me from executing you now."

"It wasn't meant to stop you. I hope it stays in your mind till the day you die. Lannister wears the badge Kingslayer, you will be known as a kinslayer. King in the North, huh. You are no king of mine."

Robb didn't flinch. "My father always said he who carries the sentence must swing the sword. Lord Karstark, for murder of the Lannister boys, I sentence you to die."

Enith's eyes went wide and she gasped as the sword was brought down on Rikard Karstark's neck. Robb, Edmure, and Catelyn looked over at the noise. The sword dropped from Robb's hand as Enith shook her head and began to run back inside. She could hear his heavy boots as he chased after her. Robb caught up to his wife and grabbed her hand. He brushed the wet hair out of her face— Enith continued her head shaking and couldn't look him in the face. Robb kept pleading and eventually her eyes met his.

"Was it worth it?" she asked.

"I'm sorry?"

"Was justice that important to you that you couldn't keep Lord Karstark in prison? At least until we won?"

"He murdered those boys."

"And you have lost half your men, Robb."

"So I should have let him go unpunished? He sat for a fortnight in that dungeon, not ashamed at all of his crime."

"You should have deferred his punishment. We need them, we are in a war."

"War doesn't mean we throw away our morals—"

"Are you so determined to die like Eddard!"

Robb got quiet. He couldn't tell what were Enith's tears versus what was the rain still on her face. She had never yelled at him. In a thousand years, he couldn't remember a single moment that she had yelled at him. Even if annoyed. Her hand shook despite being covered by his.

"I watched Eddard's head cut off by his own sword and then stuck on a pike like he was nothing. Your father died by honor, I will not watch you do the same. Do you hear me, Robb Stark?"

"I understand. I made a mistake, sometimes justice should wait. My mother and uncle were right as are you. I will fix this. I'll find a way to form another alliance with Lord Frey, we'll take Casterly Rock, and then... I will plead for the Karstarks to come back. Give them Casterly Rock if I must."

"No more stupid decisions by honor."

"No more mistakes by honor," he conceded.

"Good. Because I cannot rule without you."

"You won't, beloved." He kissed her sweetly. "You're absolutely soaked. You need a fire before you get sick."

Enith didn't have a chance to protest before Robb picked her up bridal style. He passed Edmure and his mother on the way to the large hall.

"Send a raven to Frey's sons. Have them meet with us to discuss a new alliance and Casterly Rock. Tell them to tell Lord Frey that none of his demands are too great. I apologize for his trust being lost in us but would like to make it right."

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