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        Grey Wind licked Enith's face— the roughness of his tongue woke her up after about two licks. She scratched at his face and the two of them stood up very slowly. Neither of them were in a position to move quickly but had to leave the area. Enith didn't trust the woods, they were still Frey territory. There was nowhere for her to go. Winterfell was taken, the Frey were now their enemies, Riverrun was about to be Frey territory, King's Landing was potentially aware of Enith marrying Robb.

Warging into Shadow, Enith had no clue where the dragon had gone— barely getting glimpses before the warging stopped. Whether it was because she was too far away or Enith was too weak, she wasn't sure. She pleaded with Shadow to find them and hoped that would be enough. Still limping, Enith and Grey Wind started to leave the woods and go wherever they could.

Enith was positive Grey Wind was tired of hearing her ramble on about nothing. But he didn't make a whimper of complaint. Instead, the wolf's ear stayed alert like he was truly listening to the woman. She was talking to try and make the journey to nowhere more pleasant. Especially since the two of them were moving slower than normal.

"My mother is from Dorne. She and Rhaegar were childhood friends, like Robb and I. I wonder if she was a bastard or not. Lord Stark could never figure it out, there isn't much on her. It would be hard to tell. Did you know, Grey Wind, bastards in Dorne are treated pretty well?"

The wolf gave her a short yip in response.

"I know, it was interesting to learn myself. I had siblings. My father's first wife Elia, they had children. But he fell out of love with her and in love with Lyana, not before crying about it to my mother of course. I think he would have stayed with her if she hadn't died giving birth to me. They were friends, he probably figured it could blossom into romantic love and he could try to forget about Lyana since she was Robert's."

Grey Wind whined and Enith appreciated the little responses he gave. It made her feel less insane.

"I'm glad you agree with me. My siblings are dead too, the Lannisters killed them. The Lannisters seem to kill everything we love don't they? Not a good bone comes from that house— not as long as Tywin influences them. Maybe we should go to Dorne?"

Grey Wind stopped and looked at the Targaryen. She scratched behind his ear.

"I know it is further south than King's Landing and it's really hot but it would be safe. Prince Oberyn would probably welcome us, we share a tragedy together. My father makes us kin. Is it too hot for you? Would you at least consider? It isn't like we are going to make it to Dorne in a matter of days, we'd be lucky to get out the wood in that time."

Grey Wind snorted what Enith hoped was a consideration to think about Dorne and the two continued going. Grey Wind abruptly stopped again and pointed his snout in the other direction.

"North? You want to go North? Grey Wind, Winterfell is gone. It has been ta—"

His whining cut her off.

"It is gone! We ca— you don't want to go to Winterfell... you want to go to The Wall. Jon is at Castle Black, and Maester Aemon. Maybe we should go, but it's just as dangerous. Lots of enemies could catch us. How about we try to get better first and then we can decide on Castle Black or Dorne, agreed?"

Grey Wind dipped his head and pawed once at the ground. They kept going, jumping at every noise that couldn't be immediately identified. Hours later and Enith tripped causing the dire wolf with her to emit a high pitched noise. She assured him that she was okay— the wolf not seeming to believe her.

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