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"We are going to have a meeting in the evening at our agency, did you bother to check your mail?" Chris asked

"Ya, I was about to tell you that"


We are in the meeting hall and Mr Davis is assigning us our partners for task 2.

"So, as mentioned before, I am going to assign you your partners and give each pair a task and one week's time." He said in his usual curt tone.

"So, first up is Ryan Tyler and your partner is"

Please god it should be Hazel





"Lily Garcia"


Why god?

What did I do to you?

Seriously? do you want a list?

"You both need to research about that black hoodie guy"

"Second pair Maya with Chris Larson" I looked at Chris who was standing casually and when I looked at Maya, she had a huge smile across her face. I am sensing what is going on

"You both need to find all the other information about Cassandra Murry and her team."

"Next up Hazel Miller with"

Not Kevin

Not Kevin


"Kevin Martins"

The frown on my face deepens as the words come out of Mr. Davis's mouth.

Better luck next time, baby.

Keep your trap shut consy!

"You guys need to strategize the mission and how we will execute it."

Kevin and Hazel sitting on a tree K-I-

Shut the hell up consy.

"So this is all we have now. We will next meet the day after tomorrow to start with our work, any doubts?"

"Yes sir, can Maya and I research about that black hoodie person instead of Ryan and Lily?" Chris asked and I frowned at him.

Why would he want that?

Leave it, he is your friend, he has his own problems.

"Ok if that is what you are comfortable with." Mr. Davis says, the look on his face clearly showed that he couldn't care less while Chris looked like a kid in a candy store.


I just got paired with Kevin and I am happy with it.

Looks like someone is not. Look at Ryan, he is heating up with jealously.

Oh god! When did that start happening.

Does he- my thoughts were interrupted by Maya.

"Are you ok with your partner Hazel? Because I am."

"I am, but it seems that Ryan isn't" I chuckled pointing at him.

"Oooo.....k" she said like she is thinking something.

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