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Yejin POV

I was barefooted by the beach, strolling alone as my long dress flowed with the direction of the wind. The calm breeze resting and gliding over my skin as I inhaled the fresh air of the island.

Soobin and I had been together for a few months over the sixth year, and we've graduated from university too. And today is the second day of our vacation at Jeju Island with our friends.

"Noona!" I turned around at the familiar voice.
"Noona, there you are! Where have you been? Everyone's looking for you! Soobin hyung was so worried!" Beomgyu stopped in his tracks beside me as he catches his breath from the run.
"I didn't bring my phone along with me" I said.
I just got into a silly fight with Soobin because he refused to admit that he was texting another girl during our date together. I knew he wasn't cheating but I just got really annoyed at him when my questions got ignored and that he was constantly on the phone.

"Why didn't you bring your phone?" Beomgyu asked after he caught his breath.
"I left in a hurry" I said.
"I'll give hyung a text." He said as I walked away from him and felt my foot in the sea water at the shore.

"Jagi! Jagiya!" My arm got dragged towards the left direction as my eyes met his.
He pulled me towards him and wrapped his arms around me as he hugged me tightly, his head burying into my shoulder.
"I was so worried!" He cried out loud.
I caught Beomgyu running away silently when he saw us.
I didn't speak until he released the hug and looked at me.
"I'm so sorry" he said, sincerity echoing from his voice. He looked like he was about to cry.
"Who were you texting?"
"My sister"
"Yeah right, and since when did you have a sister?" I crossed my arms and glared at him.
"Since I was born?" He laughed.
"Are you mocking me?" I frowned.
"I'll explain later alright? We're on a vacation, sweetheart. We're supposed to be having fun." He smiled as he intertwined our fingers and dragged me off to the other direction.
"It's beautiful." He said as he looked at the sunset.
"I'm beautiful." I said as he laughed.
"So I'm not?"
"Of course you are, you always will be." He said as I felt him hold my hand tighter.
"Hyung!" Kai shouted from a distance as the both of us looked up towards him and smiled but somehow Soobin looked a little dodgy.
There was a group of people gathered there as the familiar faces of 4 boys and 2 other girls (Yeonjun's girlfriend and Taehyun's girlfriend) entered the frame, waving towards us as we waved back.
"Let's go." he said as he led me towards them.
As weird as it looked, the six of them were standing in a straight line facing us and smiling weirdly at us as if they were  hypnotised.
We were all dressed nicely because of the fancy dinner we had at the hotel. Yeonjun looked to Soobin as Soobin just stood there stiffly.
"Babe?" I wriggled my hand as he looked at me nervously.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Before you continue, I'd like to tell you that you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met and it'll never change because you're still the woman I fell in love with from the beginning until the end. And thank you for loving me and taking care of me, I really am so lucky to have met you and to have you in my life.." he paused a little and smiled, his hand never leaving mine.

I didn't know why he was being so sweet all of a sudden. Maybe because he felt bad about ignoring me and spending too much time on his phone during the date?

The line the 6 of them formed broke into half like an opening door where Kai, Yeonjun and his girlfriend was on the left and Beomgyu, Taehyun and his girlfriend was on the right. 
Soobin pulled me forward and O kinda knew where this was going and what was gonna happen.

There was a big heart drawn on the fine sand as he pulled me to the center of the heart. Yeonjun came from the side and handed him a small velvet box while Mina, Yeonjun's girlfriend handed me a bouquet of red roses.
I was starting to tear when I saw him open the velvet box as he got down on one knee in front of me.

"I knew it was hard before we got together in the beginning but I want to make it up to you. I want to thank you for not giving up on me and constantly keep the notes coming in daily with no fail and maybe that's why the god of love allowed me in your life and you in mine. I wake up next to you everyday and that's the best thing I could have ever asked for from anyone but there's one more thing I really want and that you're the only person that can give it to me. I really want to start a family with you. I want little you's and me's running about our apartment, calling us daddy and mummy. I want to read bedtime stories alongside with you to our children and I want to wake up to you on Sundays making pancakes with syrups for us.."

At this point, I was already crying.

"When I look at you, I knew no one could hold my heart the way you do and the way you could. So, Kyara Kim Yejin, will you grant my wish and marry me?"

"Yes!" I held out my left hand to him as he slid the ring in my ring finger and stood up lifting me off the ground, engulfing me in a big hug.

I'm engaged — and I am now Mrs Choi to be.


"So who were you really texting during our date?" I asked him when he slid into the covers next to me on the hotel bed.
"I was really texting my sister, I was telling her how nervous I was as every minute passes and that time was getting closer and closer to the planned proposal time." He said as he showed me their text messages and a picture of his family photo with his siblings.
"Its time that I meet your siblings." I said with a cheeky smile.
"They'll be flying back to the country for our wedding sweetheart, don't you worry." He said as we both cuddled under the sheets and fell asleep.

I bet you guys did not expect this after so long!
Enjoy luvs:>

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