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Ye Jin POV
Today I went to school late, so I didn't manage to write a note for him. Supposedly I would write one for him during lunch and slip it under his desk, but today I didn't do it. I followed him during lunch.
Jihyun and him was still having cold war. I'd be a bitch if I say I'm happy, but I am a bitch. I love him more than she does, I know it.
He was walking down the halls, it was surprisingly quiet, no one was here, probably everyone was at the cafeteria. I continued following him, until he stopped. He held his head and wobbled back and forth a little before falling on the ground.
"Soobin!!" I shouted and rushed forward to catch him before his head bumps on the floor.
I quickly moved him onto my back and dragged him towards the nurses room.

"How is he?" I asked Mrs Park, the nurse.
"Just a little low on sugar, I suggest he goes home and rest for today. Are you his girlfriend?" Mrs Park asked.
"Haha no, I wish" I laughed.
"Why don't you tell him you like him?" She continued pushing me to speak.
"Well you see, he doesn't look at me the way I look at him plus, he already has a girlfriend, and I'm happy for him" I replied, a little sour.
"Well, we'll just have to wait for him to wake up and take him home, or do you have his parents number, we could give them a call and send him home?" She said.
"Well no I don't have his parents contact. So I guess we have to wait for him to wake up" I said.
"Well now can you sign this paper so we could acknowledge the school that someone send him here and and that someone knows that he has gone home?" She asked. I nodded without saying anything and took the pen. I wrote down the date and time, and signed on the part that says:
Sender's signature, which was right beside the one Soobin is supposed to sign: Patient's signature.
I then informed our teacher about what happened and told her that I will be at the nurses room with him till he wakes up.

Author POV
While waiting for Soobin to wake up, Ye Jin went to buy some milk and bread for Soobin to eat once he wakes up. She also went back to class and took his bag for him, so when he wakes up, he doesn't have to go back to class to take his bag.
She got back to the nurses room and realised that he was still unconscious. She edged closer towards him.

Yejin POV
He's so beautiful. I traced my fingers from his forehead down his jawline. His features stand out and he was just so flawlessly beautiful, even prettier than me.
I brushed his eyelashes with my fingertips.
How beautiful and soft he looks.

Author POV
Ye Jin then sat back and fell asleep, due to the tiring journey of carrying Soobin up the stairs towards the nurses room and also running back and forth at the school corridors.

Soobin opened his eyes and let out a cough. He sat up from the bed he was lying on and looked to his left to see a girl sitting beside the bed, asleep on the chair. He realised it was one of his classmates he had since middle school. He smiled a little but then held his head and hissed from the pain he was having, and that caused Ye Jin to open her eyes.
They had a straight 15 seconds awkward eye contact until Soobin spoke.
"Erm Ye Jin right? Why am I here?" He asked while holding onto his still spinning head.
"Erm you fainted during lunch"
Yejin said while standing up to help Soobin sit against the bed. She then handed him the milk and the bread she bought.
"Eat up, Mrs Park said you fainted because you were low on sugar and suggests that you head home today" She said. He took the milk and bread from her hands ,his fingers brushed against her palms and that made her retrieve her hands back towards her immediately. She was a blushing mess, she rubbed the area of her palm that his fingers brushed across.
"Gomawo Yejin ah" he said while he opened the milk and bread.
"Oh right, here's the form you have to sign before you head home today, I already signed and wrote the date and time, you just have to sign under the patient's signature." She said. Soobin thanked her and took the pen from her, once again brushing his fingers against hers, making her a blushing mess.
"Thanks for today, I owe you one time. I'm sorry for being a trouble to you, please head back for your lessons, I hope I didn't take up too much of your study time." He said while thanking her again.
"Ok I'll get going then" she said while turning around to walk away. She sulked a little because her little time with Soobin ended really quickly. She then dragged her feet back to class and continued lessons.

Back at the nurses room, Soobin was finishing the last bite of the bread.
"Are you feeling better now?" Mrs Park asked.
"Yea" he replied.
"You carried her here when she fainted in the rain that time and this time it was she who brought the unconscious you here, what a coincidence, and it's adorable you know that right?" She said.
"Huh,Adorable?" Soobin smiled remembering the memory.
"Well you didn't wanna let her know it was you right? Why is that so?"
"Well, I mean I'm not sure if she knows but we were in the same middle school back then..." Soobin spoke while smiling unknowingly.
"She was really quiet and cute but is crazy among her group of friends. Well she didnt really have friends back then, not as much as I do, but she has a few good people around her. After she came here, she didn't really talk to anyone, the only one that knows her a little more is me I guess"
"You like her, don't you?" Mrs Park questioned.
Soobin's face instantly turned red.
"No no.. noo I have a girlfriend!" He stuttered. Mrs Park just chuckled at his reaction.
"Sign the form ,go home and take a rest" Mrs Park said.
He picked up the form Yejin passed to him before she left.
Before he placed the form aside he just remembered the mystery person didn't gave him any notes today. His brain then ticked and he glanced at the paper again. He focused on her handwriting, it looked exactly the same as the ones on the notes. To confirm his suspicions, he took his bag that Yejin brought down for him from the classroom, he opened the front zip where he kept all the notes the mystery person gave him ever since the start of high school. He took all of it out, a stack of it actually, and compared with the paper that Yejin signed and wrote on.
His mouth fell open when he realised what he realised.
Was Yejin the mystery person all this long?
Then he checked all the notes, it was all written from the same person, YJ.
"YJ, Yejin" he said.
"She took great care of you when you were unconscious " Mrs Park smirked at him while walking towards him. She took the paper from him and said, "Since you signed the paper already, you can head home now if you're feeling less giddy" she said. Soobin nodded while still in shock at what he just discovered. He slowly packed his stuff and walked down the corridor.
He texted Jihyun, his girlfriend, that he will head home first.
His mind was filled with thoughts about Yejin being the mystery person.
Is she really the one that gave me all the notes? She loves me?
Now everything is making some sense. He just remembered the very first note that the mystery person gave him. It said that they were in the same middle school and that he or she had worked very hard to get into the same high school as him. Yejin is in the same middle school as him and Yejin's initials were YJ, it fits the mystery perfectly.
But he still doubted that it might be someone else.
"Aish this is giving me a hard time, I'll think about it tomorrow" he said before putting on his airpods and played soft and slow music while walking back home.

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