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Soobin POV
It was a new day today, I walked into class and reached under my table like always, expecting a little note for me from the mystery person. There wasn't any today, maybe the person is running late, I'll check again during lunch.
I thought of what Beomgyu said a few days ago, maybe I should end it. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore.

Lunch time~
"Oppa let's go eat" Jihyun said while clinging onto my arm. I gently removed her arm from mine and said, "Jihyun, we need to talk."
Jihyun POV
"Jihyun, we need to talk." He said.
He never calls my name, unless it is serious. He stopped calling me babe for very long. I knew something was up. I don't wanna lose him but I want him to be happy.
"Yeah sure, where to?" I replied.
"To the rooftop" he replied. He walked ahead with his hands in his pockets and I just followed behind him slowly.

At the rooftop,
"Hey erm, I don't know how to say this but.." He started.
I knew it, this day will eventually come.
My tears threatened to fall, no it didn't threatened, it fell, down my cheeks.
"Hey don't.. don't..cry..please, I'm really sorry Ji-"
"No no it's fine, I get it. I knew from the start the moment I told you I like you and you accepted me, we wouldn't last. I knew it right from the start" I cried.

Soobin POV
"I'm sorry" I said.
That's all I could blurt out. I don't wanna make things worse.
"Can we still be friends?" I asked, at least this way, she still has a way to not avoid me and be awkward around me because I'm currently her ex.
"I don't wanna break up.." she murmured under the noise of her tears. I heard her, I don't like to see people cry, well not exactly don't like, but I'm not a good comforter so it wouldn't be good if someone was crying in my presence.
"I'll take your silence as a yes. We'll still be good friends, I promise, it's for the better, trust me. I don't want to hurt you anymore" I said.
"You've hurt me already" she mumbled.
"If I continued to stay with you, I would have hurt you further, we both don't want that" I replied to her logically.
She continued crying. I'm such a bad comforter.
A bad person to be exact.
"Hey you gonna be alright?" I asked sincerely.
" Yea thank you for telling me early and being honest. I need some alone time, please leave" she said.
"Take care" I said before leaving.

I felt bad. I am bad. She appeared appealing to me and she was a good person, I accepted her thinking that feelings will develop over time, I was wrong. My feelings did developed though, but it was for another person.

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