Home Part II

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Warning: Smut 

It has been about a week since you and Wilhemina left the rehab facility and you moved in with her. Things between you and Mina are going really well but you are still confused what your relationship is exactly. Neither of you have ever called it that or even spoke about how you both really feel about each other. Wilhemina would always make sure you are okay and call you all these nicknames like darling, sweetheart or little one. It makes you feel special and it causes you to feel butterflies every time and your heart starts beating faster but sometimes Wilhemina has this cold side and also distant and you never know how to act in front of her because you are scared of her reaction or her rejecting you. Wilhemina offered you your own room, so the guest room is now your room with a wardrobe full of your clothes, a bookshelf with some of your books but you still sleep with Wilhemina every night it's a ritual you both need. It helps you sleep at night and you feel comfortable and protected and Wilhemina needs you there so she can take care of you and knows you are safe. You have been staying in the house most of last week just cleaning, preparing meals for Wilhemina and doing housewife kind of things and you don't mind it, you like paying Mina back for all the things she has done for you like taking you out of the rehab place and actually providing for you but you are slowly starting to get bored and you feel like your life should be more than just being in the house all the time so you have been thinking about finishing your college degree. You actually researched on the internet for a while earlier and it turns out you only need to do a few months of online schooling to finish your degree and that way it would be easier for you to find a job. Going back to college is an option but you don't wanna be back there and you saw on your old school website that they offer online schooling. Obviously you need to talk to Wilhemina about this first so you decide to ask her tonight or tomorrow as the weekend is now approaching. The older woman still treats you with all the care and respect in the world and she has been very patient with you but her controlling side sometimes shows because whenever you leave the house for going on a walk or buying groceries you would need to ask her for permission. A part of you liked it though because you know she is only doing it because she worries and cares for you and you haven't really had people like this around in your life before so you appreciate it. Today you have been productive cleaning Wilhemina's office and sorting the books in her shelf alphabetically to kill some time. After showering and eating some lunch you really feel like going into the city and buying some clothes and other things because you had to throw most of your old things out because after actually emptying the bags, you found most of them stained or ripped probably by the kids or your foster parents. Mina would give you things and as much as you appreciate her for it she has somewhat of a different fashion sense to you so you really wanna go into the city today. Anxiously you pick up the phone and dial Wilhemina's number ''Hi sweetheart'' you hear her soft voice on the other side of the speaker. ''Hi Mina I was wondering if I could go to the city today'' you ask hopefully. It takes a few moments for the other woman to answer because she doesn't wanna control you by saying no but she is worried about you going on your own though. ''What are you planning on doing?'' Wilhemina asks her voice now sounding more serious. ''I really wanted to buy some clothes please?'' you add with your puppy voice that normally gets her to agree with you. Wilhemina feels bad after you found out your clothes were all broken or ripped, so she decides to say yes. ''Okay but there is one condition'' she says and you wait for her to explain ''I want you to take Matthew with you, he will drive you and tell him to pay for everything with my cards'' she adds and your jaw drops a little. ''Oh no Mina I can't accept that'' you say still shocked at her kind offer. ''I insist my love, I gotta go back to work, enjoy yourself'' she says and you smile like an idiot and squeal a little ''Thank you so much'' you say before ending the call. After ending the call with Mina you call her driver and he arrives shortly after and picks you up. ''Where to Miss?'' he asks while focussing on the road ''Can you drive us to the nearest mall, it has to have some good clothes shops though'' you add and he nods. As he drives you look around and you haven't really seen this area of the neighborhood yet. Your thoughts are distracted when you feel your phone buzz.

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