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After returning from your trip to Amsterdam you and Wilhemina have only been growing together and appreciating the little things more. The both of you still work at Kineros Robotics and you still keep your little routines like Wilhemina taking you to your desk every morning or you going over to her office to have lunch with her. Although you never intended to work there you do enjoy it a lot because the pay is good and you get to do Art and although it's a very specific kind of drawing you like it. Regularly you would go to sessions with Dr. Lawrence to work on some issues and Wilhemina still goes to physical therapy appointments or massages weekly for her back. It has now been quite some months since you and Wilhemina met each other and got together and it will actually be your six month anniversary on the weekend and you are beyond excited. It took you ages to think of an appropriate present for your girlfriend but you decided to buy her some of her favorite things after work tonight. You already told her you would be leaving an hour early and you need to borrow Matthew and she was happy to allow you that considering she knows the anniversary is coming up. After finishing up all the work you go to Jeff and Mutt's office to drop the files off for the day and after Wilhemina put them in their place before they actually treat you with respect and they stopped creeping. ''Thank you'' they say and you smile politely before walking to Wilhemina's office to let her know you are on your way now. After knocking you hear her say ''Come in'' and a smile forms on her lips as she sees you. ''Hey my love'' she says and you can't help but smile. ''I'm gonna get going now I will pick you up with Matthew when you are finished'' and she gives you a little peck before you leave her office and the building. Matthew is already waiting and you get inside the car ''Hello Miss where to?'' he asks and you tell him to take you to the mall. The past few weeks you have been thinking long and hard what to get her and you planned to get her a little basket with some of her favorite things but you have to hurry up considering you only have an hour. ''Matthew pick me up here in an hour okay?'' you say and he nods before you leave the car and arrive at the mall. First you practically run into a store to buy some lavender bath salts because you know those are Wilhemina's favorite. You find a cute brown wooden basket and purchase the lavender set and make your way to the next shop, Wilhemina's favorite candle shop. You look through the whole isles and you decide to also go with a purple candle, you don't wanna make the present too cliche but Wilhemina loves purple, that is no secret and she will probably appreciate it. After you go to pick out some little things like her favorite tea and chocolates and as you walk back to the car, happy you got everything you meant to get and also some items to wrap it back at home you stop in front of a jewelry shop because you see a beautiful necklace on display and you know Wilhemina will simply love it. You quickly head inside and ask an employe to get it out of the display and show you and as you take a look at it it's just simply perfect for your girlfriend and the occasion. ''I will take this'' you say and they wrap it up all nicely for you.

The necklace is gold with some diamonds on it and in the middle is a small purple heart and you simply know Wilhemina will love the color combination and probably wear it all the time as she always wears Accessoires and this will match her wardrob...

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The necklace is gold with some diamonds on it and in the middle is a small purple heart and you simply know Wilhemina will love the color combination and probably wear it all the time as she always wears Accessoires and this will match her wardrobe quite well. After purchasing all the things you walk back to the car park happy you found all these things and even the necklace you didn't even plan on. Matthew is already waiting there and he helps you put all the bags in the trunk. As you drive back to work to pick up Wilhemina he looks into the mirror and asks ''Did you find everything you needed?'' and you nod and say ''Yes I did thank you'' and you look forward to this weekend with Wilhemina. At first you planned to make a reservation in a nice restaurant but apparently your girlfriend has other plans because she asked you not to. The drive back doesn't take too long and Wilhemina just finished working so she is already waiting there and after Matthew opened the door for her she heads inside and you give her a sweet smile. ''Hello little one'' she says and you give her a kiss on the cheek. ''Did you get everything you needed?'' she asks and you nod eagerly. Truth is Wilhemina is usually more prepared and planned than you are and she already got everything sorted. She thought long about what to get you for the anniversary and she found the perfect gift in the end. She also thought about taking you to a fancy restaurant but she wants the day to be more personal so she plans to take you back to the park she took you to a while ago with the waterfall and lakes because she hired someone to prepare a beautiful picnic there. She would have done it all herself but her back doesn't allow that and she isn't the greatest cook so she ended up hiring someone but she wants it to be a surprise still. After arriving at home you both head inside and you start cocking some dinner while Wilhemina is in the bathroom taking a bath. You made sure to hide all the bags in the guest room for now so your girlfriend wouldn't find them and spoil the surprise. After cooking you both enjoy dinner and the rest of the evening is mostly relaxing. Wilhemina is reading a book, sitting on the sofa and you are currently wrapping all of her presents and putting them in the little gift basket. After finishing you hide it in the empty wardrobe so she wouldn't find it yet and join her on the sofa. ''Hey little one, you finished?'' she asks and looks up from her book, you simply nod and move closer to her. The two of you end up snuggling on the sofa and watching a movie before going to bed as you two are exhausted. 

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