Lucid Dreams With Her Angel

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[A/N: The art included in this book is not my own.]

Alluka didn't belong. She knew that. Sitting in her room by all her toys, she felt a sense of disconnection. She didn't feel like she was in the right world. She should be with her brother, Killua, laughing and playing. Had Killua forgotten about her? Was she that... forgettable?

"What time is it?" Alluka asked, her voice devoid of emotion.

No response. The first time she was ignored it hurt. But by now she never even expected an answer. Who would want to talk to her anyways? She was a cursed child, a freak. She couldn't even feel emotions. She wanted to. She craved the warmth of happiness, and the pain of sadness. But she couldn't. Try as she might, Alluka just couldn't feel.

"Why am I like this?" She whispered to herself, nails digging into her palms, "Why aren't I good enough?"

Of course, she wouldn't get a response even if somebody could hear her. The feeling of knowing time was passing, but never knowing when it was, was making her lose her mind. That is, if she hadn't already lost her mind. Maybe that was the point. Maybe they hated her so much they wanted her to go insane, all alone. The creature inside her shifted in their sleep, dormant. Without any human contact, it couldn't emerge. 

But what was the creature? Who was the creature? She felt like she knew. She did know. It had a name. She knew it. It had to have a name. If she only she could remember.

"Nanika!" Alluka blurted out, remembering, "Nanika! Nanika! Nanika!"

Killua named it. Her brother came back for her! Getting up, she searched for him through her toys. If he came back for her, then where was he? When she needed him the most, where was he? Did he actually come back for her? Or was she imagining things.

"Brother! Brother! Brother! Brother! Brother!" Alluka repeated.

Someone had to hear her. Someone had to help her. Why didn't they understand that she just needed help? She didn't need to be locked up, she needed to be trained and taught and loved. Why didn't they know that?

"Brother! Brother! Brother, help me!" Alluka continued.

A being appeared in front of her. Her eyes widened. It was a boy her age, with pastel green hair and eyes. He had dark, feathered wings on his back. His hair was fluffy and slightly longer than her brother Killua's.

"Who are you?" She whispered. She was hallucinating, surely.

"Yuya, you don't remember?" The boy asked

"No?" Alluka replied uncertainly.

"I suppose that doesn't matter." Yuya said, "You will remember."

"What are you doing here?" Alluka wondered curiously. That was it. Curiosity was a feeling!

Then she felt more than curiosity. She felt emotions. They all came flooding in at once. Anger and love, sadness and happiness, disgust and fear. All of it returned to her heart. So did her memories. Her brother did save her. The entity was Nanika. And this boy in front of her needed saving. Alluka smiled.

"Yuya!" She hugged him.

He laughed, "Told you so."

Alluka brushed a hand along the top of his wing, feeling him shiver under her touch. He was right. He wasn't quite human. Almost, but not quite. She reached down and felt the silky feathers of his wings. They were the colour of a night sky, and absolutely beautiful. They were fluffy yet silky at the same time.

"What are you." She whispered faintly.

"I'm not sure." He responded, "C'mon! There's something I want to show you."

He scooped her up like Killua did when they left Kukuroo Mountain together. The scenery changed. Alluka wasn't even sure how. It had to be a dream. It felt so real, and it was possible that this was one of Yuya's powers. Entering dreams and controlling them. It sounded peaceful. Almost as peaceful as the landscape before them.

 Almost as peaceful as the landscape before them

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They were in the sky. Cold winds hit them harshly, but it never hurt. It's not like could have hurt even if it was meant to, she was dreaming. Yuya's wings flapped so gently, so beautifully, that Alluka was convinced he was an angel. Turning away from him, she gasped at the pretty view. Killua had never taken her to see a sunset quite so... she didn't even have a word to describe. It was quite possibly the best thing she had ever seen.

"Isn't it wonderful?" Yuya asked, raising his voice over the whistling of the wind.

"Yeah!" Alluka nodded in response.

Everything was so beautiful around her. Yuya. The sunset. The water. The stars. The trees. It made her feel so out of place. She wasn't half as beautiful as any of it. Especially Yuya. But despite feeling out of place, she also felt a sense of belonging. This was her home. This was where she was needed most. Right here. Right now. Alluka wondered if that was how Killua felt around Gon, or vice versa.

"You're going to wake up soon!" Yuya told her

"I don't want to!" Alluka blurted out without hesitation, "When will I see you again?"

"As soon as you wake up!" Yuya responded, and she wondered if he was just saying that to make her feel less guilty about leaving.

Would they ever see each other again? She barely knew him yet she felt drawn to him, like two magnets. Or two friends that couldn't quite meet yet. But they would meet. Eventually. So why did was she shaking at the thought of leaving?

"I'm scared." Alluka realised out loud.

Fear wasn't an emotion she was familiar with. She had felt it before, but only briefly. When she saw the 'All Might Nomu', she felt fear. But not like this. Before she feared for her life, now she feared that she would never see her friend, her angel, again.

"You don't have to be. When you wake up, look outside! You'll see." He informed her, "We're not that far away. Each morning I see it."

"See what?!" Alluka cried out, as she felt herself slipping out his arms.

Yuya smiled sadly, "You'll see."

And then she fell. Out of his arms. Out of her dream. It didn't matter which way she saw it. She was falling. Falling from the high heavens. Falling back into her reality.

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