1. Oh, How Life Has Changed

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"Think he's going to wet his pants?" Cristina asked, her tone bored.

She was leaning with her elbows placed on the nurse's desk, her expression thoughtful.

Meredith glanced over to where Dr. Jackson Avery was visibly trembling in his sneakers.

"Yep." She replied, her tone matching Cristina's as she returned to writing in the chart before her.

"Think we should go save him?" Cristina asked.

"Nope." Meredith said.

"Yeah, you're right. Let McDreamy do his thing." Cristina agreed, returning her attention to where Dr. Derek 'McDreamy' Shepherd was ripping Dr. Avery a new asshole.

Meredith smiled at the mention of her fiance's nickname. It fit...now. Two years ago? Not so much. He had been the bain of her existence and everyone else's as well. Who would have thought she would be the one to thaw him out? Little ole mousy Meredith Grey...well, before the makeover.

Both had troubling pasts. Hers much more violent than his. They had been through a lot...screaming, groaning, moaning, yelling...and that was just the sex...

No seriously, a lot of heartbreak, honesty, persistence and therapy had led them to where they were today. Engaged medical professionals with a eighteen month old son.


Meredith's grin grew bigger at the thought of her son. He was the perfect balance of the two of them...Derek's looks and her personality. Poor kid. He was a curious, thriving child with eyes that took in everything. He was a charmer.

"I'm still keeping Squirt tonight, right?" Cristina asked, breaking Meredith out of her thoughts.

Meredith rolled her eyes at the nickname her best friend had given Michael, after Michael had 'christened' Cristina while she was changing his diaper. Speaking of charming, Michael had charmed Cristina right out of her fear and blatant dislike of children and now she kept him more than anyone, much to Meredith's amusement and Derek's dismay. He didn't trust anyone with Michael, not even Meredith sometimes.

He was overprotective to say the least.

"Can you believe that guy? Who does he think he is? All I did was tell it like it was to the patient. What the hell is wrong with that?" Jackson grumbled as he scurried back to Meredith and Cristina. He was their responsibility. Great.

Meredith and Cristina looked at each other and rolled their eyes. This guy was a jackass with a capital ASS.

"This is your first day Dr. Avery and so far you have managed to piss off the patient, us and an attending. Not bad." Cristina said, shaking your head.

Jackson shrugged and turned his focus on Meredith, staring intently.

She felt his intense gaze on her and she glanced at him, her eyebrow raised.

"What?" She barked.

"You are hot. Has anyone ever told you that?" He asked smoothly.

"Yes." She said shortly.

"I was wondering, would you like to go out with me?" He asked.

"No." She answered.

"Oh, are you one of those chicks who doesn't like company pens stuck in her ink?" He said crudely.

Cristina snorted and then her eyes lit up with glee. Meredith looked at her curiously.

"Do you talk to everyone like that Dr. Avery or just your superiors? You don't pick up a woman that way. Allow me to show you how it's done." Derek said, his eyes dark and his attitude darker. Nothing pissed him off more than someone flirting with her. He wore jealousy well.

"Dr. Grey?" He said, his voice seductive.

She turned fully to him.

"Yes, Dr. Shepherd?" She said innocently.

"Can I interest you in some extra curricular activities in the on call room?" He said, his eyes now full of mischief.

Meredith struggled to keep her face straight as she cocked her head to the side and pretended to consider his offer.

"Okay." She said, smiling lustfully at him.

He looked to Jackson, who looked stunned.

"That's how it's done Dr. Avery.." Derek grinned darkly at him. He walked closer to Jackson and leaned very close to his ear. "My pen is the only one who goes near her company ink. Don't ever forget that and please feel free to spread the word to the rest of your incompetent friends."

He then turned to Meredith, extending his hand to her.

"Come on, I believe we have a date with Michael."

She smiled widely at him and took his offered hand. Derek shot one last smug look at Jackson before walking off with Meredith.

Jackson looked at Cristina.

"Who's Michael? They do threesomes?" He asked confused.

"No, Michael is their son. Since this is a teaching hospital let me teach you a little lesson right now. Don't flirt with Dr. Grey. She is attached. Consider yourself taught."

"Yeah, that is information that would've been useful yesterday." Jackson rolled his eyes.

Cristina shrugged.

"You weren't here yesterday." She said simply.

"So Dr. Yang...I believe there is more than one on call room in this hospital." Jackson hinted.

Cristina looked him up and down and then back to his face.

"Not even with someone else's pussy. Get to work Dr. Avery." Cristina demanded, walking away.

She sighed in satisfaction.

She loved fresh meat.


"I can't leave you alone for a minute." Derek complained as they walked towards the hospital's day care center.

Meredith laughed and squeezed his hand.

"I know the feeling. Dr. April Kepler?"

Derek rolled his eyes.

"She has an interest in Neuro. I am teaching her, nothing more.."

"Oh the post particle screws are a great idea Dr. Kepler. Book the OR." She mimicked his voice.

"It was a good idea. Doesn't make her any less of a kiss ass though. Why, are you jealous?" He explained.

"No. I don't get jealous."

He leveled a look at her.

"Much." She amended.

"That's what I thought." He said, his tone satisfied.

She glared at him.

"Happy?" She asked.

"Yes, very." He said, pulling her close to him and kissing the top of her head.

She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed tightly.

"Let's go eat lunch with our son." She said.

"Son? You have a son?"

They both froze and looked at each other before turning and looking at the person who the intrusive voice belonged to.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

I didn't write this story full credit goes to "mrsmcdreamy29" from the board "Surgical Language" site Tapatalk!
Published 2010

Also for this chapter's title and all of them going forward I would like to give credit to "MerDerEveryday97" from FanFiction.Net

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