5. Fighting with the Enemy

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Meredith ran down to the Pit and stopped, taking in the scene. She wasn't sure where she was needed but she had been paged 911.

"Oomph." She grunted. She turned to glare at the intern that had just practically ran her over.

"Sorry Dr. Grey. I didn't...I mean...sorry."

"If you could please watch what you are doing Mr. Mostow." She said.

"Um, it's Dr."

"Not until I say it is, it isn't." She countered.

Mostow swallowed hard but nodded.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Grey! Over here!" Bailey yelled. She pointed to the ambulance pulling in.

The ambulanced rushed to a stop and two paramedics barreled out with a woman on a stretcher in tow.

"What have we got?" Meredith asked, unthreading her stethoscope from around her neck.

"Twenty-five year old pregnant white female, approximately twenty-eight weeks gestation involved in a MVA. T-boned on her side of the car, unconscious at the scene, BP is 87 over 42, pulse is 37, shallow breath sounds on right side." The paramedic barked out.

"Okay, let's move people. Mostow, take some blood and run to the lab and wait on it, Kepler, inform Radiology that we will be on our way in five minutes. Avery, you are with me. Go!"

They all scurried to do their jobs.

"Do we have a name?" Meredith asked.

"Molly Thompson."

"Okay. Molly, can you hear me? I am Dr. Meredith Grey and we are going to do the best we can for you." She said loudly. "What about the other passengers?" She asked.

"Mother was in the driver's side. They were cutting her out as we left, but she was conscious."

Meredith nodded.

"Okay, thanks guys."

"Avery, I need you to page Neonatal and get someone down here to look at the baby."

Avery nodded and rushed to the phone, dialing quickly.

She pulled out her penlight and pried Molly's eyes open, searching for reactivity.

"Is there Neuro damage?"

Meredith looked at Avery, her eyebrow raised.

"Oh, Neo is on the way." He informed her.

"Both pupils are reactive. Hopefully there is no bleed. We need to get a CT though as soon as The Vagina Squad is done accessing to make sure there is no internal bleeding anywhere."

"The Vagina Squad? How charming."

Meredith stifled a groan as she turned to face The Intruder.

"Yes, well, if the pussy fits." She mocked.

Avery snorted but cleared his throat quickly when both woman looked at him.

"Something in my throat." He explained.

"Get a drink of water." Meredith ordered.

"And miss this?" He asked incredulously.

Another look.

"Water, yeah...going." He said, leaving the room. Oh to be a fly on the wall right now. Two hot women glaring at each other...wow.

"Wow the hostility is just radiating off of you. Gives you a red kind of glow." Addison said.

Against All OddsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora