2. Why Are You Here?

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"Addison, I am going to ask you again. What are you doing here?" Derek asked, his tone low and very deadly.

Meredith shivered. It had been a very long time since this Derek had come out.

"Well, you would know if you had bothered to return any one of my phone calls." Addison said smugly.

Meredith looked at him in shock. Addison had called him and he didn't tell her?

"Hello, Mary is it? Nice to see you trapped him with a baby. Looks like we aren't so different after all." Addison said shrewdly.

Meredith raised an eyebrow and took a very deliberate step forward. Addison stepped back with a small amount of worry appearing in her blue eyes. Derek placed a restraining hand on her shoulder. Meredith shook it off.

"Let me make one fucking thing very clear right now. I don't know why you are here or what you want, but I am nothing like you. I love Derek and together we made a child...a perfect son. And also unlike you, Michael is Derek's." She seethed.

"You sure about that?" Addison asked.

Meredith thrust forward and Derek wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her forcibly back.

"Meredith. Mer. Calm down." He said soothingly to her. He turned to Addison.

"I suggest you leave, before I let her beat you to a pulp with her tiny ineffectual fists." He hissed to her.

"Hmmm...well do you know what I think about that?" Addison drawled.

Derek ignored her, still tending to Meredith.

"If you didn't care about me, you would've let her and since you didn't, I can only assume that a part of you still cares about what happens to me." She surmised.

Derek looked at her incredulously as Meredith glanced between the two, her teeth worrying her lip.

"The part of me that cared anything about you died the day you fucked Mark. So don't delude yourself in thinking I care anything about you. They only person I care about between the three of us is Meredith. I don't want her getting in trouble. Now, if you are here thinking you are going to get me back, you are sadly mistaken." He growled.

"Yes, I flew all the way out here to get you drunk, reminisce over old wedding photos and fall into bed." He glared at her sharply. She rolled her eyes. "Relax Derek, I am here for work, the hospital admitted a TTTS case last week and from the briefing that Richard gave me..."

"Richard knew you were coming?" Derek asked harshly while Meredith gaped.

"Yes, didn't he tell you?." She paused, taking in their expressions. "Hmmm...guess not. Well I should get acquainted with the hospital before starting tomorrow."

She smiled once again and walked to Derek, leaning in.

"We should get together while I am here. Catch up." She whispered. She smiled again when she heard Meredith suck in a breath. She glanced at her. "It was...nice seeing you again Mary."

"It's Meredith." Meredith said through clenched teeth.

"Whatever." Addison waved her off and smiled once more at Derek before waltzing off.

"I want to stab her in the eye with one of her stilettos." Meredith hissed.

"Mer, I didn't know..."

"She called you." Meredith stated.

Derek sighed.

"Yes." He admitted.

"You didn't tell me."

"No, but I didn't feel it was important. I didn't answer. I deleted her voice mails without listening to them. I swear."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Meredith asked point blank.

"I didn't want to upset you." He said.

"Well it's a little late for that, don't you think? She is here, in our hospital, with all her wicked witchiness." Meredith complained.

"I will get her to fly out of here as soon as possible on her broomstick, either with her riding it or stuck up her snooty ass, I promise." Derek said.

Meredith cracked a small smile.

"There it is. I hate when you are unhappy." Derek said, holding her close. "Let's go, we only have a few minutes."

She pulled back.

"Look, I'm not that hungry anymore. Why don't you go on ahead without me. My surgery starts in a little while and I want to prep. Give Michael a kiss for me....okay?" She said, trying to smile convincingly.

He looked at her searchingly, looking for any signs of discord. He finally nodded slowly.

"Okay." He kissed her firmly on the lips and jogged off towards the day care.

The smile fell off of Meredith's face. This was not good, this was not good at all. Addison being here was going to threaten everything she cherished. She didn't have a clue what to do.

She just knew she couldn't lose Derek.


"What's wrong with her?"

"I don't know Tinkerbell. I don't read minds. Hey do you think we can get your physic from our intern year here to find out?" Cristina said with mock earnesty.

"Very funny. Seriously, look at her."

"I am looking. Maybe, she's gone mental."

"Mer? Have you gone mental?"

"I have not gone mental." Meredith snapped.

"Well, what is it then?" Izzie asked.

"Addison is here." Meredith stated matter of factly.

"Who's that?" Izzie asked.

"McDreamy's McBitch?" Cristina gasped.

"I told you to stop calling me that Yang."

Cristina rolled her eyes at Mark, who joined the conversation, grinning charmingly.

"Oh, right. That is your nickname. Hmmm...now I have to find a new one for her. Any ideas?"

"Her who?" Mark asked.

"Oh, you're a gossip now?" Izzie asked.

"Yep, need to stay on top off who has any communicable diseases." Mark replied. He looked at Meredith.

"What's wrong with her? She usually has insulted me at least four times by now."

"Someone named Addison is here?" Izzie told him, still confused.

Mark's head snapped up.

"Addison is here?" He asked Meredith.

She nodded listlessly.


Meredith shrugged.

"She says work. Richard, my Richard asked her here." She replied. "The man I have known for as long as I can remember, who has been there for me, asked Derek's ex wife to come here for work. What did I ever do to him? I know what I am going to do to him."

Mark winced.

"I feel sorry for the Chief." Mark muttered to Cristina and Izzie.

"Definitely." They agreed simultaneously.

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