8. Cristina to the Rescue

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Meredith shuffled down the hall towards the nurse's station. She took the chart offered by the nurse with a smile, which quickly turned into a wince. She continued shuffling until she had reached the end of the desk and set her chart down. She shifted uncomfortably and read the patient's information. She felt eyes on her and she looked up to find Alex, Cristina and Avery looking at her, eyebrows raised.

"What?" She asked.

"Do you have a stick stuck up your ass?" Cristina asked.

"No." Meredith said.

"Have you at any point in the last twenty four hours had a stick up your ass?" Alex asked.

"Not up my ass. I only do anal on alternate Tuesdays." Meredith smirked and closed the chart.

Avery choked on his coffee and spewed it all over the counter....and Alex.

Alex looked at him with a intimidating glare.

"Nice, dude. I always wanted Intern...cooties."

Now all eyes were on Alex.

"What? I couldn't think of another word. Stop looking at me like that. You should be looking at Mer, who had a stick stuck up her twat all of last night."

All eyes turned back to Meredith.

"It wasn't a stick, it was a big, hard, long..."

"You can stop right there, Grey. I don't want to know what or who was all up in your business. Speaking of business, do you four think you can do some work? Or do we pay you to stand here talking about Grey's nasty sex life?"

"Bailey! You're back!" Alex exclaimed, stepping forward and enveloping her into a hug. Bailey had been on maternity leave with her second child for two long months.

"Let go of me, you fool!" She ranted, swatting at him.

He backed off with a goofy expression on his face and again, all attention was on him.

"What? It sucked without her here. I had to do a rectal last week. A rectal!" He complained.

"Touch me again, and you will be doing them for a year." She warned, before glaring at all of them. "You all, get to work! I am watching you."

Alex nodded solemnly and once Bailey was out of earshot, he grinned.

"Bailey's back!" He exclaimed once more, before jogging away.

"Who was that?" Avery asked.

All attention was now on him.

"That was Miranda Bailey. She seems tough but she is really a softie. She likes suck ups...a lot. She also will give a solo surgery to whoever begs for it the most." Cristina informed her.

"Really?" Avery mused. "I will be around." He darted off.

Meredith looked at Cristina.

"She does not."

"Oh, I know. I just want to see him knocked down a peg...or five." She said, smirking.

"Nice..." Meredith said.

They started walking to where rounds were starting and Meredith took one step and then groaned.

"When are going to get it, that sex all night with a man whose peen is almost as long as a one foot ruler and about as wide, is not conducive to walking straight the next day?" Cristina asked.

Meredith pretended to think.

"Never." She finally said.

"Whore." Cristina muttered.

"Skank." Meredith shot back.

"Fuck you."

"Oh, can I join in? Or do you not share females either?"

Meredith stiffened and turned to face Addison.

"Sure, you can join in. We were just talking about me fucking your ex husband senseless last night." Meredith said sweetly.

Cristina snorted.

"Well, just remember, I had him first." Addison smirked.

"I always thought it didn't matter who had him first, but who has him last." Meredith retorted.

"We will see." Addison said cockily.

"Yes you will." Meredith said.

Dr. Grey. Room 3221. Dr. Grey. Room 3221.

"I have to go. See you at lunch." Meredith said to Cristina.

"Yeah." Cristina answered. She watched Meredith shuffle quickly out of sight and then turned to Addison with a smile on her face.

Addison put out her hand to Cristina.

"I don't believe we have met. I am Dr Addison Forbes Montgom..."

Cristina interrupted, ignoring her outstretched hand.

"I don't give a shit who you are. I am not impressed by your fifteen names or your manicured nails or your five inch stilettos. I am not even impressed by your reputation as a doctor and for me, that is saying something. Because I am all about the medicine...except when it comes to Meredith and Squirt."

"Squirt?" Addison interjected.

"Michael Christopher Shepherd, my godson. My friend's son. Derek and Meredith's son. They are happy and I will be damned if some Prada loving, salmon colored scrub wearing...oh and what is that? What self respecting surgeon wears salmon colored scrubs?"

Addison opened her mouth to intercede.

"You. That's who. Someone who not only doesn't respect the man she destroyed enough to let him be happy but who obviously doesn't respect herself. You are desperate and needy and pitiful. And if you keep it up, you are going to die, alone. And if you don't leave them alone, you will be walking around like Meredith, but for a completely different reason. Because you will have a stick up your ass. Now if you will excuse me, I do hearts, not vag, so hopefully I won't see you around." Cristina then smiled at Addison. "Oh and it was very nice to meet you."

Addison watched her walk off thinking that she had underestimated Dr. Meredith Grey.

She might be a formidable opponent after all...

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