Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Morgan was still boiling mad at Justin when she left work for the day, and she still burned with anger when she got home that night. The fucking nerve of him to try to run a background check on Marcus behind her back! After everything Justin had put her through, and everything Morgan had to put up with at work because of him... this was just too far.

That night at home Morgan finally came to a decision: she was going to start looking for a new job.

She had been thinking about it for awhile now, but always convinced herself not to quit since she didn't think she could find a better job than her marketing position at Lawrence & Starling. But seeing Justin everyday was becoming downright torture, and he'd become even more intolerable since he found out about Marcus. Her work situation was getting far too toxic, and she needed to start exploring new jobs ASAP if she wanted to be happy with her career. Since she knew she and Marcus weren't going to be continuing this arrangement for much longer anyway, this would be a good time to start her job search.

So the next morning, Morgan called into work to say she wasn't feeling well. She had plenty of sick days saved up, so she didn't feel bad about taking a day off: there was nothing pressing she had to do for Vershafksy and Precision Medical today, and if an emergency did happen to come up, someone else was just going to have to deal with it.

Decked out in her comfiest pair of leggings and overlarge Boston University hoodie, Morgan put on a pot of coffee and brought her laptop into her dining room. She was going to spend the day searching job listings, writing cover letters, and sprucing up her resume. Hopefully she'd find something decent by the end of the day today.

As her laptop booted up, Morgan's mind went to Marcus, and she realized he didn't know she wasn't at work today. What if he sent her flowers at the office again, or tried to surprise her by stopping by for a lunch date? It would be awkward to say the least, and her coworkers would probably be suspicious as to why he would be unaware of the fact his own girlfriend wasn't at work today.

I should give him a heads up.

Quickly pulling out her phone, Morgan shot a text to Marcus:

Morgan: Just FYI, I took a sick day today so I won't be at the office. Just in case u were planning a surprise lunch date or something

Morgan didn't wait for a response as she set her phone aside and saw her laptop had booted up. She immediately logged on and clicked onto, ready to begin her job search.

She had been on her computer for only thirty minutes or so and was halfway through her first cup of coffee when she heard a knock on her door. Frowning, she got up and walked to her front hallway, curious as to who had come by.

If it's Justin I may just answer the door with my largest steak knife

Morgan gazed through the peephole and saw a familiar dark head of hair. Surprised, she opened the door.

"Marcus?" she asked, frowning in surprise. He was looking casual and handsome in a flannel shirt and blue jeans, and he held a plastic CVS bag in his hand. Morgan cleared her throat. "Wh-what are you doing here?"

"You said you took a sick day," Marcus gave her an easy smile, and he held up the plastic bag in his hand. "I thought I'd come over and bring you some stuff to make you feel better."

Morgan could only stare at him, her eyes wide. She felt the color rise in her cheeks. "Oh."

"Can I come in?" he asked politely, and Morgan immediately stepped aside to let him inside.

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