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Author's Note: This is a deviation from the "New Life" AU most of these oneshots take place in. You could call it an AU within an AU (haha AU-ception)

This means this isn't necessarily canon to the main storyline, just a funky idea I had :)

This was actually one of my drabbles but it was just too damn long, so I decided to make it a oneshot of its own. There'll be another part to this coming soon, so stay tuned!!

OH also this chapter was inspired by a song I love, it's by one of my favourite artists. It's called "eaJ - Otherside." It's about dealing with the death of a loved one and wondering how they're doing on the "other side." I really recommend you give it a listen.



He tried to continue, he really did.

It wasn't too hard, getting back into the swing of things. Months went by and gradually he began to fall into a routine again. He quit his small coffee shop job and joined a small record label as a producer. He began getting promotions and even started releasing music of his own, gaining a relatively decent audience and performing gigs every weekend.

Life was starting to pick itself up, and Jamie should have been the happiest man in the world at that moment.

But he wasn't.

No matter how much he tried to move on, no matter how much he tried his hardest to enjoy his new opportunities and the success he'd gained over the last few months, he was always there. Always at the back of his mind, always a figure in the shadows Jamie needed to do a double take at, always drifting in the notes of a soft, sweet guitar melody.

He was always there, but he wasn't at the same time. He was somehow everywhere and nowhere at once. He was always so, so close to him and yet so out of reach.

Jamie would find himself ringing his number just to hear his voicemail. He knew there was no point, he wouldn't answer. But listening to it gave him a strange sense of comfort. He'd often sit there, waiting for the phone to stop ringing so he could leave his own message. He knew it wouldn't be listened to, but it was the closest thing Jamie had to actually talking to him.

"Hiya! You've reached Bennie. Sorry, if you've gotten this message it's probably cause I was busy! Or... I... coulda been asleep... hehe... uh, anyway, feel free to leave a message after the tone! I promise to get back to you as soon as I'm available. Thanks a lot, and have a great day!"


"Hey Bennie. Sorry, it's been a while since I called you. I've.. been pretty busy lately, heh. Have you been well? I've been well too. I didn't tell you but I finally got that song released! You know which one I'm talking about. The one we wrote together at Jai's house! People really seem to love it, heh... oh don't worry! I gave you credit. Has it been okay over there? I hope it has. It must be a whole new experience huh? Hehe.

"It's... sigh, okay, I lied a little earlier. I'm gonna be honest with you, you not being here...? It's tearing me apart. The apartment is so lonely, I feel like I'm gonna lose my mind. It's too quiet."

Jamie took another sigh, calming himself down before things got more heated for him. He didn't want to be complaining too much.

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