Fashion Show Part One

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*sorry it took me so long to update, I've been so busy. Life is hard*


You were steadily pacing in your office, nervous to make the phone call that you knew you needed to make. You tried to rehearse what you wanted to say but it just never seem to come out right. Earlier today a marketing woman came by the shop and asked if you would be interested in having your clothing line shown in a charity fashion show. All you had to do was provide the clothes for the models to wear along with some music that represented the brand. They would have everything else set up. It was a great chance to get the brand name out there into the world and for a good cause. The only issue is that the event took place on Saturday night and that was the night you and Hailee were suppose to have your next date. You knew she wasn't keen on the idea of going out in public so you were wrestling between the idea of rescheduling the date or inviting her along but in a business sense like being the face of the brand. This way you both would be seen together under the umbrella of working together for the brand and could make being seen in public together less questionable later on down the road. You grab your cell phone off the desk and click her name. You try to take some deep breaths with every ring. Hailee answered the phone with a simple "hello". In the background you can hear music playing. 

"Is this a bad time?" you ask. 

"No, it's actually a perfect time, I was just relaxing in my home studio, listening to old records of my dads. whats up?" Hailee responded. Hearing her voice brought a calmness over you. 

"So its about our date on Saturday, something came up and I may need to reschedule it, unless it is something you might be interested in attending with me. I know being out in the public with me is off the table right now but this would be more in a business aspect than a date but we would at least get to spend some time together." you start to ramble on. 

"hey hey slow down, what's the event?" Hailee replied with a small giggle in her voice. 

"The shop got asked to join in on the charity fashion show Saturday night and it is kind of a big deal to be asked. It would put the brand out there in some good light with the charity work. I know it would be asking a lot of you but I was hoping you would attend with me?" you ask with your voice trailing off at the end with nervousness. 

"A charity fashion show sounds like a fun time. I am just not sure that I would be comfortable having a public date." 

"I thought you might say that so I kind of have an idea but I don't want it to seem like it's just a business arrangement. We could call you the face of the brand since you did wear it for your music video. I also have an extra ticket so you could also bring along a friend. We would walk the little carpet they have for small press interviews and we would sit together for the show but keep it as friends just hanging out." you try to explain in hopes she would agree to join. 

"When you put it that way, I think I would be okay with that. It sounds like a fun girls night out. I have a few friends that come to mind that I would like for them to meet you and you them without them knowing about us of course. Okay you know what I am in!" Hailee answered sounding unsure at first but confident at the end. 

"awesome! I will text you the details as I get it finalized. I'm really excited now and I promise I'll make up this second date to you." 

"you better! I am interested to see how you plan to top my first date idea." Hailee replied with a little sass in her voice. 

"I didn't realize it was a competition but now that you've put it that way, game on steinfeld!" you joke back. 

You both say goodbye and hang up the phone. That went a lot better than you had thought it would. 

You spent the next few days preparing everything for the show with picking out which pieces the models would be walking down the runaway as well as trying to figure out what you were going to wear. You and Hailee finalized plans. You had to be to the event early to help prep the models so Hailee is going to arrive with her friend and you will meet them at the beginning of the red carpet so you can all three walk together. This will allow for you and Hailee to do some of the press interviews together. The thought of being seen in public with Hailee made you nervous yet excited. You were worried that somehow someone would catch onto the way that you looked at each other and call you out for being into one another. That would really ruin everything. You promise yourself that you will keep yourself in line making sure not to let yourself look at her longer than a few seconds at a time and to keep some space between you two. 


When Saturday rolled around you sent Hailee a quick text. 

"Thank you for agreeing to come tonight despite it being in the public. I can't wait to see you and I promise I'll make our 2nd date up to you!" 

You then put your phone away in your pocket and hurry off to where the event was taking place. You didn't realize how hectic prepping for the event would be. There were people everywhere walking and running as if they were running out of time to get everything done. One of the assistants briskly walks you back to your station where there was 3 models waiting for you. The four of you discuss who would be wearing what pieces. Thankfully they all seem to like what you brought and all the pieces fit perfectly. While they are getting their hair and makeup ready you tell them about how you started the line. One asked how you got Hailee to pick it for her music video. You chalked it up to having really good luck and the horrible paps that wouldn't leave her alone. You pulled out your phone and you see a text from Hailee. 

"Be there in 10 minutes. Are you still meeting me out front?"

The assistant that lead you to the back came to tell you it was time for your walk and interviews. 

"of course, they just told me its time for our interviews so it'll be perfect timing. Can't wait to see you!" you reply back to Hailee. Sliding your phone back in your pocket, you follow the assistant through the building and out the side exit that leads to the beginning of the red carpet. As you turn the corner you see Hailee started to exit the building. You walk over to meet her. 

"Hey! you look fantastic!" you say excitedly. You go to give her a hug but she sticks out her hand instead for a handshake. Fearing that she is nervous about being in public you shake her hand back. You turn to face the assistant starts as she starts to talk to you about the different press that is in the lineup and how much time you get with each one. 

"Are you all ready?" the assistant asks.

As you turn to face Hailee, you see someone coming up behind her and wrapping their arms around her waist. 

Hailee jumps a little at the feeling of the hand around her waist. Hailee starts to introduce you to her plus one. 

"Y/N, this is Cameron, my boyfriend. Cameron, this is Y/N, the owner of the shop that I used for my music video."

Your freeze in place at the sight of Cameron and the way that Hailee called him "her boyfriend".  

Cameron sticks his hand out for you to shake and you manage to bring your hand to his and give a little shake. 

"Ok, you are up, good luck! and enjoy your night!" the assistant says as she nudges you along. 

You don't know how you are going to recover from what just happened enough to do the interviews. You knew Hailee was nervous about being out in public together, but Cameron? Her boyfriend? What did all of this mean? 

To be continued.... 

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