Chapter 1

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*Alarm goes off* 

"Jo get up" "I'm up Casey" "Good because we have to work in a little bit" "Ok" "Guys?" I turn my head to look at the door. "What Alice?" "Can't we just quit already?" "No, we need this job" "Well can we call out today?" "For what?" "We could go to the club?" "I'm down" "I mean sure" "Ok, someone go call out and say the whole house is sick" "Ok, Casey can do it" "What, why me?" "Because you make it sound real" "Fine" "I'm probably gonna take a shower and then we can go" "Alright" I stand up and grab clothes, then I walk to the bathroom and take a shower. When I'm done I get dressed and brush my hair. 

I go back into my room and grab my phone off the charger. "Jo!" "Yeah?" "Hurry up we leave in 5" "Ok" I grab my wallet and walk downstairs "Omg we all look hot" "Yes we do" We walk outside and get in the car. When we arrive at the club we all grab our IDs and walk up to the door. We hand the bouncer our IDs and he lets us in. When we get inside we walk over to the bar and grab drinks. We start dancing and then I see two guys staring at us. I look over at Casey and show her and then she nudges me to go over to them. I sit down next to the one and we start talking. "So what's your name?" "I'm Oscar, what's yours?" "I'm Joana but my friends call me Jo" "Jo is such a pretty name" "Thank you" After a couple more minutes his friend taps him on the shoulder. "What?" "Dude ask for her number she is into you" Oscar looks back at me "Can I have your number?" I grab a napkin and a pen and write down my number, then I hand it to Oscar. 

I hear slave 4 u by Britney Spears playing and start dancing on Oscar. I can feel his arms wrap around my waist and I keep dancing. After a couple minutes I sit back down next to him and his friend gets us drinks. After a couple more drinks I feel like drunk. Then all of a sudden a girl comes over and puts her hands on Oscar's chest and then she starts asking him for his number. I stand up with my drink and tell her to walk away. She then tries to argue with me so I throw my drink in her face. Tries to punch me but I dodge her and then Oscar's friend grabs her and Oscar grabs me. He takes my hand and looks at me "I think it's time to go" We walk out to a Uber and drive back to Oscar's house. "You really tried fighting with her" We both start laughing and when we arrive at his house we go inside. 

We sit on the couch and look at each other. He puts his arm on my leg and leans in for a kiss. I take off my dress and then he takes off shirt. "Take off your pants" "Are you sure?" I shake my head and he takes off his pants. I climb on his lap and grind my hips, he then moans into my ear. With every movement I am becoming wet. "Fuck your so good" When we are finished I lay down next to him. "That was amazing" "I know" We grab our clothes and go upstairs. We lay down on his bed and I fall asleep in his arms. "Goodnight" "Night"

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