Chapter 7

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Tonight was the dinner with our friends. Oscar invited Pedro, Oberyn and a friend. I invited my girls Alice, Ash, Bri and Casey. And ofc they Casey was bringing Jason. Everything was where it was supposed to be when and we were in kitchen. In the counter. Making out.

His tongue ran across my bottom lip and I let him pass. Our tongues danced perfectly together as if they were made for each other. We stood there until we heard the doorbell ring. We both went to the door, hand in hand and opened it. It was Pedro with Ash and a guy that looked exactly like him, Oberyn, whose's arm was linked with Alice. "Hey Jo, hey Oscar! Looks like you were having a good time before we got here" Pedro joked. I looked at Oscar and imediatly brushed my finger across his lips where he had red lipstick on. "Yea, very funny baby chicken. Come on in" Oscar said back and we took a step back letting the guys go trough the door. Pedro hugged Oscar as I hugged my girls "I'm still here" a voice behind them awkwardly said. "Oh right. Jo this is Oberyn. He's Pedro's twin and my boyfriend" Alice introduced him. "Hi nice to meet you" I hold my hand out for him to shake but instead he kissed it, making me blush "The pleasure is all mine" he smirked. Oscar being the protective boo he is, brushed Oberyn's hand off mine and shook it "Nice to meet you Oberyn. Next time please don't touch my girlfriend" I giggled because Oberyn towered Oscar and he was even trying intimidate Oberyn.

We served each other drinks and after some minutes the doorbell rang again. I got up and walked to the door, Oscar always following behind afraid it was Jason. I opened the door and see my friend Brianna leaning against the frame "Hi, how are you? Are you getting married? Kids?" she started questioning "What? NO Bri. Well he wants but I think it's a bit too early" I explained "It's never too earl-" "Garrett my man! You came!" I heard my boyfriend say behind me and hugging the guy standing next to Bri "Girls, this is Garrett Hudlund, he was with me in Triple Frontier. Garrett this is my girl Jo and her friend Brianna" when Garrett looked at Bri, he looked zoned out "H-hi I'm- I'm Garrett" he held out his hand and Bri shook it with her cheeks red "I-I'm Bri" "Okay lovebirds, sorry to interrupt your eyefucking but can we go inside? It's freezing here!" Oscar exclaimed and they nodded. We all went inside and enjoyed each other's company untill we heard the doorbell ring one more time. Now we knew who it was. I had told everybody in the room how bad Jason was and the danger Casey is risking.

Now I had to go there. Oscar and Pedro followed me and I opened the door. The only person I hated in the universe was there HOLDING HANDS with one of my best friends. I felt tears and looked away to wipe them off "Weren't you in jail, Jason?" I asked the familiar man. He took a step foward and I grabbed Oscar's hand as I was scared "It was just two years. Now I've changed for better. Please let me apologize" Jason tried but I stormed out to my room and I heard Oscar's steps in my direction. Oberyn and Garrett took our positions by the door and Oberyn locked eyes with Casey. What could I say? Weren't those the eyes he gave to Alice. "Wanna come in?" Pedro asked directly to Casey "Sure" Jason replied and took another step foward "I think you wouldn't wanna do this" Garrett assured him. Jason tried to punch him but failed MISERABLY and Garrett took the opurtunity to puch him square in the face, him falling to the ground, Oberyn grabbing Casey's hand and dragging her inside and Garrett closing the door, locking it.

Meanwhile in my bedroom I was crying silently in Oscar's arms. I saw Garrett and Bri coming inside "It's okay. He's gone" Bri said "You sure?" I asked "Yea, thanks to Garrett here he's not coming back" she assured you. I got up and hugged him as he turned red. We went to the dining room and our friends were all there. Pedro was making out with Ash and Oberyn was talking to Casey and Alice about sex or whatever. Casey stood up "I'm so sorry, Jo" she came running to me, tears falling out of her red eyes and she hugged me. I of course hugged her back "It's okay. I forgive you, just wanted to make sure you were alright" I said. "We all already had ups and downs tonight so let's eat" Oscar hugged my side.

We all sat at the table and had a very good time. These are the best days, with old jokes and new friends.

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