Chapter 9

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A/N: I love Emma Stone and respect her and her marriage with Dave McCary. This is ONLY for the story

Some days later I woke up to a rainy day but Oscar wasn't next to me. My phone started ringing and I answered. "Jo! What the fuck! I've called already 10 times" he shouted "Sorry, okay Pedro? What do you need?" I asked "Haven't you seen the news?" "I just woke up, you asshole!" "Just, go take a look and call me after, when you're calmer" "Wha-" he hung up. I went check my social media and I saw something I didn't want to see.

"Emma Stone caught holding hands with Star Wars actor Oscar Isaac this morning"

My heart started beating faster. Attached to the title, there was a picture. It was indeed Emma Stone holding hands and another that looked like she was about to kiss a man with a hoodie that really looked like my boyfriend. My phone started ringing again. It was Oscar this time "What do you want?" I asked, my voice breaking "Listen Jo. I can expla-" "I don't need explanations. We're done" I hung up and curled up under the covers crying. And of course I didn't call Pedro back.

Some minutes later, I heard the front door open and it had to be Oscar. The footsteps in the hall were aproaching the bedroom. The door opened and I looked over the covers. Oscar was there. Soaked from the rain. Weird, he was wearing a sweater without a hood. He sat on the bed with opened arms, waiting for me to fill the space. I hugged him as tight as I could "I-I'm so sorry" I cried "I want you a-and don't leave me please" I begged "Oh baby don't be sorry and I'm not leaving you. Never" he looked into my teared eyes and wiped the tears "But if it wasn't you. Who was the guy? He looked exactly like you" I told him "I'm gonna tell you a story. Do you wanna hear it, mi amor?" he asked "Yea"

"Well... when I was born, it wasn't just this handsome man standing in front of you." I chuckled softly "I have a twin. His name is Rydal. We found out we were twins not too long ago. It turns out our parents weren't ready to have twins and they sent Rydal to Greece to stay with some friends of theirs. He came some months ago and I met him when he went meet my parents. So, you see? It wasn't me who was holding hands with Emma Stone, it was Rydal. Why would I need Emma Stone if I'm dating the most awesome and incredible girl in the universe? And he doesn't have beard, it couldn't have been me" I smiled "You could've shaved, I don't know" "But no, it wasn't me, I swear" "I know. Te amo" I said "Te amo tambien, hermosa" At this point we didn't care about the soaked bed sheets of pajamas. He have each other. We love each other.

A/N: If y'all don't know Rydal, he's from "The two faces of January"

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