Please don't

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“It’s not going to work.” I hiss as I pull against the chains keeping me prisoner. “Whatever you’ve got planned.” I watch the tall tv screen in my mind and continue to struggle against the bonds that Dark has me in. 

Dark, still using my body, chuckles as he walks around the Manor. He had brought us here after talking to Madpat, rummaging through various research books that made no sense to me. “I think it already has. All I’m missing are the main guests, and Anti will take care of that problem soon enough.” He takes a thin, black book out of the bookcase and walks over to a chair in front of an unlit fireplace.

I don’t understand how he did it, but he manages to sit down in a way that I could never pull off. He makes my body move with such sinuous grace that I feel like he floats into the seat rather than just sits down. “I don’t care what I have to do, but I’m going to make sure you fail.”

He opens the book, flipping through the pages. “What are you going to do? You’re trapped in your own mind, and there’s nobody to help you. You may have held out longer than I imagined, but you still failed. Caged in the corner of your mind. How are you going to stop me when you can’t even help yourself?” He says. He sounds almost bored as he continues flipping through pages.

That makes me pause. He’s right, of course. If I can’t even kick him out of my body, how am I going to stop him at all? I stand up and lean forward as much as possible. The chains are too short for me to reach my cage, even with my foot. That isn’t why I’m leaning forward, though. I want Dark to be able to hear me as clearly as possible. 

I look at the screen and see Dark reading a page that has strange symbols on it. The words are in a peculiar language, and parts of the page have an image of a machine. He seems to be so focused on it that I open my mouth and scream as loud and as long as I can.

The first scream seems to startle Dark. He jumps, and the book he was holding leaps into the air. He catches it and starts looking for his page again as I take another deep breath and scream again. He didn’t jump this time, “Will you stop that infernal racket! I can’t think with you screaming like a banshee.” 

I scream again, just as long and loud. He tries to shut me out, but I make sure that my screams are never the same. I throw insults at him in between screams just to spice things up. He finally throws his hands up in the air, and I find myself staring him down. He walks to my cage, and it parts for him like water for Moana. He stands just far enough out of reach.

“What do you expect from this little tantrum? Things will only get worse for you if you continue to act on these petty moments.” Dark sneers at me.

I am an impulsive person by nature. I also can not pass up a challenge. That’s not a good excuse for what spews out of my mouth next, but it’s the only explanation I have.

“Do you promise?” I think my words caught us both off guard because we just stare at each other. The expression on his face had me laughing, and once I started, I couldn’t stop. He looks so confused and disgusted that I simply can’t help but laugh. If I had known I could throw him off guard this bad, I’d have done this earlier.

Dark’s eyebrows draw together as he grows angry. He walks towards me and wraps a hand around my throat. He squeezes hard enough to cut off my laugh, but not enough that I’m choking. He growls in anger. 

“Oh, harder, daddy.” I would have slapped myself if I could have. My mouth seems to have decided to do its own thing and not converse with my brain on whether a sentence is good or not.

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