I'm in control now

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*A/N* Sorry for taking so long on this chapter. My depression flared up really bad and I couldn't find any motivation to do this chapter. Thankfully it ended after 6 months and I finished this in 2 weeks. I hope your ready for this emotional character development and I promise the next chapter really is gonna be the big fight scene. Let me know what you think and if your theories up to this point have been correct or if you were wrong. Till next time <3


The thought of sleeping forever sounds much better than acknowledging the person frantically trying to shake me awake.

"Wake up. We don't have the luxury of letting you stay like this. That infuriating glitch is back." Dark gives me another shake, and I let out a pitiful groan.

My throat is drier than the Sahara Desert, but this is the most comfortable I've been since Dark and Anti started this whole thing. Even with all the pain, I'd rather stay here in bed than deal with whatever Dark wants. "We need to merge again, Bri. I'd rather not have to, but unfortunately, we are connected, and neither of us can stay like this if we don't want Anti to take advantage of it."

When I open my eyes, I'm somewhat surprised at the amount of fear showing on his face. It's not like him to show this much emotion, which is a scary thought. Why does the thought of Anti seeing us like this make him so terrified? "I don't know why you didn't just do the thing. It's not like I can stop you." My voice comes out in a raspy whisper, making me cough.

The bed dips a tiny bit as Dark sits down. He doesn't look at me as he talks, but he no longer gives off an air of confidence. Now, he just seems tired and gives off this air of defeat. "I could have, but I don't know if it'll be just as painful merging again as it was separating. You being aware of things might make things easier on both of us. If you willingly do this, then the pain should lessen."

I don't want to do this. To be locked back up and have no control. To be a participant in whatever heinous plan Dark has. I don't want to give Anti any chance to get at me, though. If it's the lesser of two evils, I'll pick the one that's less psychotic any day.

Pulling an arm out from beneath the warm covers, I hold out a hand. Turning to look away from Dark, I mumble out a yes. He takes no time at all, gently grabbing my hand. From a scientific standpoint, the entire merging process is fascinating. I tried not to watch, but the sensation was too much for me. It felt like a shield or a thin layer of plastic was covering me. I could already feel all my pain becoming distant. I no longer felt the stab wound quite as bad. When I turned to look at Dark’s hand on mine, it was like looking at an almost perfect layered picture. I could see my hand, but I could also see his simultaneously.

The effect doesn’t last very long before I’m shoved back and into my mind. There are no chains or cages this time. Not like it matters much. Eating one meal and drinking some tea isn’t enough for me to get the strength needed to fight back. At this point, I might as well be a teddy bear for all the help I am. “How do you live like this? This constant need for sustenance? It’s rather annoying and something I don’t have the time for.” A cup of something comes from nowhere, and Dark quickly drinks it before getting up. The cup disappears just as soon as it has appeared.

He throws the covers back, looks down, and with a simple wave, the wrinkled clothes I had been wearing changed into something leaning more towards Dark’s style. I must say that a trick like that does save some time.

Neither of us says anything as Dark takes us to wherever Anti is waiting. I’m too tired to say much of anything, even with the growing tension. The clicking of shoes walking echoes in the hallway. I don’t really recognize any of the hallways we walk down, but I do start to hear talking. I can hear Anti yelling, but whoever he's yelling at is speaking too low for me to understand.

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