Dying hurts and Anti is a dick

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Three days passed after Dark, and I had our chat. I only know that because of the ever-changing calendar that seemed to mark off the days as time passed. It seemed to be the only thing that kept track of the time passing. I’m not sure how long Dark sat in that chair, but it felt like hours. Eventually, he did get up and sit in a chair at a desk. He looked through various books, making notes the entire time, occasionally wincing in pain.

 I can feel myself weakening from the lack of care that Dark shows towards my body. He doesn’t seem to feel hunger or thirst, and so he doesn’t eat or drink. I had tried various times to get him to at least make an attempt, but he had ignored me each time. I had tried everything from screaming to begging, even crying like a madwoman hadn’t phased him. My strength left me like the leaves on a tree in Autumn until all I could do was lay there and watch that screen. 

“Dark, if you don’t do something soon, then I am going to die. I’m not like you. I’m human, and our bodies have needs that we can’t neglect.” My voice a raspy whisper as I roll my head to the side. I’m not sure how the whole possession thing works, but Dark will be using a corpse soon if he doesn’t help me. He might be giving my body the strength to continue to move, but that doesn’t change the fact that it hasn’t had any sort of nutrients in it for who knows how long. I can survive without food for a long time, but I haven’t had any liquids since I was at Mark’s house, which was days ago.

I struggle to get up, to move, to do anything but lay here and let myself fade away into nothingness. The chain barely rattles as I manage to move my arm slightly. I’m withering away, and Dark doesn’t even care. I try one last time to get through to him. To make him see reason because when I pictured myself dying, it was not from starvation and dehydration locked in my own mind. “If I die like this, then you’ll never be able to use me against Mark. Once I die, it’s over,” the roughness of my throat making me cough. Once I manage to stop, I realize that Dark has stopped rummaging through his papers. There’s an attentive stillness to him now.

“It’ll hurt Mark to know that I’m dead, but that’s something that can be overcome. Eventually, he’ll be able to get past the pain, and you won’t be able to use my death against him anymore.”

The silence seems to stretch on for so long that I close my eyes in despair and almost fall asleep. A loud sigh startles me into opening my eyes. It takes me a moment to focus, but I realize that Dark is crouching in front of me when I finally do. A hand caresses my cheek as another sigh happens, much softer this time. His hand traces along my jawline before gripping my chin gently and moves my head until I’m looking up at his face. Pity, conceit, and several other emotions flit across his face quickly until his face goes blank. “Even at Death’s door, you fight.”

I don’t know what to say to that, so I remain silent. Dark stares at me for a few seconds and then lets go of me, standing up and pacing around me. I don’t have the energy to follow his movements, so I let my head fall to the side, waiting until he comes into view again. His pacing eventually slows, and he stops far enough away that I can see the entirety of him.

“I’ll make you a deal, Bri. I’ll give your body enough sustenance to keep it off Death’s door. I won’t give you enough nourishment to acquire the energy to fight back. I find you much more malleable this way. In return, you will help me.” Dark crosses his arms as he shifts his stance, an air of arrogance surrounding him.

It takes me a couple of tries, but I manage to clear my throat enough to respond. “I won’t help you hurt my friends.”

He scoffs, “I wouldn’t dare try that route again. That fight was tedious and pointless, and I still haven’t broken you quite yet. No, this deal is only between you and me.”

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