Are you ŝ̴̱̚ū̸̡̫r̷̢̙̀̚ę̵̽̀?̷̭͝ Part 2

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A/N: This entire chapter is torture. If you are triggered by things such as: Mutilation, electricution

The first thing I see is darkness. Not very promising considering everything I’ve gone through. My arms and legs felt like they were bound together, and stretched so far out that I couldn’t curl up. It didn’t feel like I was being held upside down but in this twisted place, anything could happen. The darkness surrounded everything, like a thick blanket, so I couldn’t see what I was bound with. I got tired of holding my head up and just let it hang, my hair falling around my face.

“Did you miss me, because I missed you. I wasn’t expecting you back so soon, Bri. In fact, I am surprised you didn’t try to stay awake as long as possible.” Dark stepped out from the darkness like a glowing star. He was the only light in this abysmal night.

I looked up and saw that I was being held slightly higher than him. He wore that obnoxious smirk of his, as he stopped just far enough away that he didn’t have to crane his neck very far. “Yeah, well, Anti had other plans, I suppose. It wasn’t exactly my idea to come back to hell.” I casually spouted this at him, pretending I wasn’t terrified of what Dark was going to do to me this time.

“It’s about time he showed up. I was starting to wonder if he had gotten lost.” Dark cocks his head in thought and then shakes it, as though to clear the insignificant thought from his head. He gently grabs my chin and raises my head just enough that my hair falls out of my face. With his other hand, he caresses my cheek. If I didn’t know any better, I would think he actually cared about me. His eyes seemed to hold a glimmer of kindness as he stared me down.

Remembering what had happened last time, I jerk my head out of his hands and close my eyes. An eerie chuckle made me flinch and close my eyes harder. “What do you expect to happen Dark? I already gave you my answer and it will never change, so you might as well do, whatever you plan to do to me.” I try to deliver this as cold as possible, just to keep up my brave act.

Dark sounds slightly further away when he responds, “Well, I was hoping you would agree after what happened last time, but it would appear that you haven’t quite learned your lesson. I suppose we shall just have to continue until you do. I am rather busy today, so this shall have to be a bit quicker.” I open my eyes and find the area isn’t quite as darker as before. Dark stood off to the side with his arms behind his back. I couldn’t tell if he was bored or amused but he was paying close attention.

I could feel myself being lowered towards a buzzing sound, and I started to struggle when I saw that I was swinging to the side so that I wouldn’t land on the saw, but the ropes didn’t even waver as they continued their descent. The saw was close enough now that I could see it spinning on the table, glinting in the strange light.

Tears fell from my eyes as I stared down Dark. I had accepted my fate and I would not beg for him to stop this, knowing what he would want in return. The buzzing grew even louder as I got closer, and Dark just grinned at me. “A simple yes and you shall be set free.” He leaned forward slightly, every movement seemed to be graceful and somehow mocking at the same time.

“I would rather die a thousand deaths than agree to anything you want, you fucking twat waffle with a side of shut the fuck up. I thought you were hotter when you weren’t real. Now that I’ve met you, I can definitely say, you have the personality of a wet napkin.” Dark seemed to get pissed at that because I seemed to fall even faster. He didn’t say another word, just watched with angry glee.

Nothing I did could prepare me for that first slice. The blade ripped through my stomach like it was made of butter. I managed to keep quiet for several seconds, but the pain eventually kicked in and I was screaming without realizing what was happening. The pain increased as the blade shredded through nerves and tendons, eventually ripping through my intestines. I didn’t notice that the blade had stopped and had disappeared, I was too busy trying to figure out how to stop the pain.

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