Chapter 5. I'm Not A Perfect Witch

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Author's note: The Reason by Hoobastank really relates to Boscha in this chapter. There will be some reference from the song towards the end of this chapter. It's also one of my favorite songs. You guys should take a listen to it and let me know what you think about the song.

Willow's POV

Boscha headed outside as I stood still by my locker. I was shocked by her words. I never expected her to give me a gift bag and say it was a way of apologizing to me. I thought she would be messing around with me, but it never happened. I quickly opened up the bag and saw a white envelope along with a small box. I decided to open up the envelope and see what it was. It was a hand-written note.

It read:

Hey Willow,

I'm not too sure if you'll read this or not, but if you do, I would like to say that I miss you. I know it's crazy to hear that from me after all I've done to you. In all honesty, I'm writing this apology letter to you because I'm a coward to tell you that I am sorry in person. You're wondering why I'm suddenly apologizing to you out of nowhere. I acted like a jerk to you after our Grudgby match. I'm such a fool and I lied about everything. About not being able to change back to who I was before. The thing is, I was acting fake to everyone. I played the role of being a bully. To be feared and stronger than anyone in Hexside. I have a good reason as to why I acted this way. I cannot tell you the reason, for I am afraid for your safety. I now would like to say that I am so sorry Willow. For all the mean nicknames that I call you. For being a bully. For hurting your feelings. For never being there for you. For not protecting you like I promised almost seven years ago. For breaking up our friendship over something that you can't control and was never your fault. All the damage that I've caused you to have, it's all my fault. I wish I could take back everything I said and never said those things to you. All I could say is that I really miss you. Hanging out and being able to go to places together. I miss all of that with you. I want to start over and be friends again. I understand if you don't want to. I don't deserve your forgiveness. And I most definitely don't deserve to have a friend like you. Luz, Amity, and Augustus are lucky to have a friend like you. They have your back in any situation you come across with. If you don't want to associate with me, let me know and I'll happily accept your request. Although, I'll always support and help you out with anything. And of course, I won't be picking on you. I promise that I'll never do that again. One last thing before I end this letter. Thank you, Willow. For being my best friend when we were little. You brought light into my world and I'll be forever grateful for you. You'll always be my Sunshine. And again, thank you Willow. For everything.

                       -Your hero

I felt something wet fall down from my face. That's when I started sobbing quietly as I held the paper tight like it was going to fly away from me. This is why Boscha avoided me when we returned to school. I was baffled when she didn't do her usual routine of bullying me. It was no wonder why she didn't do anything to Luz or Gus when Boscha was behind them. Boscha apologized to my friends. Just so she can become herself again and start over with them and me. I don't know what to do or say. Boscha did hurt me because I was nothing compared to her. Before that, she was someone who understood me. Boscha made me happy, stronger, and brighter. I'm always thankful for it. At the same time, she made me feel weak and not confident enough when she teased me. It'll take time to forgive someone who hurt you but liked you as a friend in the past. What I don't understand is why she won't tell me what the reason was for being a jerk to me. In the letter, Boscha stated that she would be afraid for my safety if she told me the reason behind her bullying. I'm trying to think what she means by that but I can't think of anything. I'll see if she can answer that for me when I see her in person.

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