Chapter 14: Put Me In Coach

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And getting woken up by Arizona was okay cause she always brought her coffee. But there was no excuse whatsoever for her brother barging into her apartment after Arizona foolishly let him, walking into her bedroom which was quite stupid on his part because for all he knew she could have been naked or in the middle of sex because Arizona has experienced walking into both in the past few weeks especially. But lucky for both of them Beca was clothed and sleeping with Chloe snuggled next to her, her arm around the brunette's neck with her head resting by her chest.

Derek skipped over to the window and opened up the blinds for the sun to hit her right in the face, Chloe was in a position where she could bury her head into Beca so that she could stay in a form of darkness but her ears couldn't hide from Beca groaning and snarling at her brother with her eyes still shut "Derek! Fuck off "

"You know today's date" he said with eagerness, slapping her legs as he passed the foot of the bed.

"Yeah and I'm choosing to ignore it"

"Come on, bailing is not an option you're the best player we have"

Chloe opened one eye and catched a glimpse of Derek walking out of the bedroom in a baseball jersey and cap, she then lifted her head with her eyes still barely open and looked to Beca "What is he talking about?"

"Nothing let's go back to sleep" Beca muttered as she turned on her side and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's body, now being able to bury her face into Chloe's shoulder. But Chloe wasn't going to give up that easily "Arizona"

"No, no no" Beca whined as she kept herself clung onto Chloe. Soon enough Arizona came to the door and she too was wearing a baseball jersey with her hair in pigtails and an excited expression on her face, Chloe looked at her up and down and whispered "What is today?"

Arizona's expression then dropped, she leaned forward and swatted Beca on the back, just hearing her grunt as a response and not move a muscle when she heard her best friend scowl "You didn't tell her?"

"No because it's stupid"

Arizona rolled her eyes and looked back to Chloe, who was now more curious than ever "It's the annual baseball game that we play. Derek came up with it a few years back for team building and this one happens to be the best hitter"

Beca lay on her back and crossed her arms over her face, then hearing Chloe say in utter amazement "You never told me you were good at baseball"

"Because I was hoping if you thought I sucked then you wouldn't make me go"

Arizona rolled her eyes "People were obviously going to tell her" she then looked back to Chloe "She loves it once she's on there it's just the early mornings and the peppy attitude that come from some people today"

As soon as those words came out of her mouth Callie came jumping in the room and practically dancing on the spot in her jersey and cap "Who's ready?"

Beca looked over to her for a second before lying back "Jesus"

Then she felt two jersey's fall onto her face and heard Derek call "One for Chloe there! We'll see you at the pitch"

Chloe grabbed it as soon as she saw it and then she was the one bursting with excitement "I get to come?"

The way she sounded all hyped up and giddy made Beca just look to her and for some reason she found the whole excited and peppy attitude on her utterly adorable and was slowly making her wanting to go. Arizona saw this within seconds and pulled Callie out of the room to leave Chloe to work her magic.

"Baby can you even play?" Beca let out in a light laugh as she dropped one hand back down to her side as the other went to the back of Chloe's head and played with her hair, focusing on the redhead whose eyes were very much now lit up and awake. Chloe looked to her and shrugged "Well no-but it'll be fun! Come on"

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