Chapter 17: One Step Too Far

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"This is so collegy" Chloe said breathlessly as she pressed her body back against Beca's once she kissed her heavily, still straddled on her lap as Beca was in the driver's seat of her car.

They were currently in the parking lot of the hospital in the very last slot, as far away from the entrance as possible as they had their fool around. Beca kept her palm pressed against her girlfriends back and whispered against her mouth "I'll take you in any situation I can"

Chloe grinned "So needy"

"Shut the fuck up" Beca moved her hand to the back of her head and pressed their lips harder together, her other hand gripping hand onto her thigh which only aroused Chloe more. She rolled her hips against Beca which caused the brunette to let out a small moan.

Chloe took her lips to Beca's neck and pressed against her skin, her tongue running against her. Beca's hand went under her shirt and went flat against her back once again as she pulled her close.

Chloe lifted her head up and moaned back to Beca's mouth "I want you" she kept rocking against Beca's lap with her girlfriend unbuttoning her blouse by just a few buttons and buried her face in her chest with Chloe's breath still heavy against Beca's head.

Beca lifted her head up, grinning through biting on her lip before mumbling a tune with her mouth leaning back towards Chloe "I want you to want me"

Just before Chloe's tongue could welcome herself into Beca's mouth, there was a knock on the window which scared the shit out of them. They looked over and saw Derek stood there with his palm covering his eyes to avoid seeing anything that he didn't want to see "As much as you're enjoying quoting Cheap Trick to each other. You're both going to be late"

Beca looked over to her phone and saw the time and saw that they in fact did only have five minutes until their shift started. They had been making out and feeling each other up for longer than they thought. Chloe moved herself off of Beca's lap in a now somewhat embarrassed manner to the fact that Derek probably did see at least a glimpse of her grinding on his little sister.

Beca straightened her tee back up as she nodded to him "Yeah okay, Derek we'll be right out"

"Fantastic" he mumbled as he pushed himself up from leaning against the car and only removed his palm from over his eyes once his back was turned and he was walking away.

There was a silence between the two of them in the car until Beca had a cracked and stiff laugh project from her closed mouth as she tried to hold it in. Chloe swatted her arm hard "Stop it!"

Beca kept her laughter in a more quiet mumble, leaning over "You're cute when you're embarrassed, babe" she gave a quick kiss against her cheek before opening the car door and getting out, with Chloe gathering her bearings and then following her.

It was fun whilst it lasted but starting to have sex in their workplace parking lot would probably be the worst thing they would have done. On call rooms and stock rooms yes . But cars with see through windows? No.

They got themselves together and when getting in the hospital they parted ways. Derek looking over to Beca as his sister walked up to him "The car. Really?"

"Isn't that how Bailey caught you and Grey back in the day?"

"Not in the hospital parking lot no"

"Relax it's not like we were having sex" she smirked as she looked down to the floor and muttered under her breath "Yet"

"Okay. I'm walking away now" Derek stated once he closed up his chart book and did in fact then walk away. One of the perks in having a girlfriend was that she could now use it to make her brother all fumbly and stupid because of the awkward situations he caught her in. It wasn't a big perk, but it was one in the 30 pros.

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