Chapter 15: Broken Together

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Chloe woke up the next morning after the game and noticed that she was in the bed alone. She wasn't wasted last night but she sure as hell did not remember telling Beca that she loved her, that was still a fog over her memory that was yet to come to light.

She dragged herself out of bed and got changed though she really could do with a few more hours in bed rather than being up at 6 in the morning. Still, she managed to pull herself together as she swept her hair up in a messy but still nice ponytail and a sweater and jeans before walking out and seeing Beca already in the kitchen with a toasted bagel and a cup of coffee in front of her at the counter.

Beca looked over when she saw her come out of the bedroom "Hey you"

"Please keep the teasing to a minimum" Chloe mumbled as she grabbed the hot jar of coffee and poured out a cup of her own, Beca just shrugged her shoulders "You're acting like I haven't seen you drunker than you were last night. Last night you hardly even scratched the surface"

Chloe just ignored the comment and said as she walked over to her "I liked the whole softball thing last night"


"Your brother said it was softball and that you call it baseball to seem cooler"

Beca rolled her eyes and groaned out a small sigh before taking a bite out of her breakfast and mumble with her mouth half full "Sometimes I hate him"

Chloe let a small giggle slip from her mouth, she just leaned forward and gave her a brief tender kiss on her cheek. Her eyes glanced to Beca's phone as the lock screen lit up.

Amelia [6:20AM]: ;) maybe

Chloe looked back to Beca "What does maybe mean?"

Beca looked down to her phone and answered once her food was down and she went to text back "I asked her if she was up to something. The answer is maybe which of course means yes"

"What do you think she's doing?"

"I don't know as long as she's staying off the booze and the drugs she can do whatever she likes" Beca put the phone back down and picked up her coffee.

"How long has she been sober?"

Beca sat back and thought for a moment "Nine years"

"Long time"

"Yeah but still have to keep an eye on her she's almost relapsed a few times. Some guy she worked with just died and Addison told me she started smoking-which isn't huge but it made us nervous that it was gonna lead to more. She's stopped now anyway but still.." Beca took her plate to the sink "That's the thing about having a loved one being an addict, you never feel like you can take your eyes off of them last time I did that she was dead for three minutes"

Chloe stared at the back of Beca's head with that being the first time she had heard that " What ?"

Beca slowly turned and leaned against the counter. She pulled a tight smile as she folded her arms and then went onto explain "Amelia was using pills hard when she was a teenager, friend of hers offered her one at a party and she just never looked back. When she was twenty-so I was sixteen, I went into the little hideout that me and her built when we were kids because no one could find her and I knew she'd be there and I found her on the floor not breathing. Nothing"

"Oh my god"

"And I was just sixteen at the time so I had no damn clue what I was doing at that point, so I called Derek, then when we came back her heart had stopped beating. Luckily he was able to resuscitate. After that their relationship came a little rocky cause he felt like she put me through trauma, same with my other sisters-maybe I don't speak to them as much cause I'm so protective over Amelia. Even when she was in jail for a few nights and missed our sister Nancy's wedding I was still defending her"

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