Chapter 19: Girlfriend In A Coma

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They didn't make it an O.R. Because as soon as they stepped into the hallway and went on their way to one, the SWAT team came and evacuated them. Rushing Beca to a paramedic straight away as they rushed her off Seattle Pres, where they had taken Alex Karev. It was now out of their hands.

Chloe got in the back with her, holding her hand the entire time. She went as far as she could with her until they took her into the O.R. in the other hospital. She watched her getting wheeled over, having to have oxygen put into her system by a doctor and IV attached to her. It was a state she had never seen Beca be in before and hopes to never see it again. There was still no guarantee that she would pull through.

All she could do now was hope and pray. Arizona and Callie came as soon as they were done getting all the kids out, and after they had officially gotten themselves back together. Which would be good news for Beca when she wakes up. If she wakes up.

They came into the right ward and found Chloe sat on the floor, resting against the wall with her head in her hand. They went over to her and sat either side of her, Arizona put her hand on Chloe's knee "Any news?"

Chloe just shook her head at first, she then took a breath and breathed "They won't tell me anything...she's been in there for nearly an hour now"

"Means she's hanging on" Callie said, reassuring both of them as well as she could. Chloe just nodded and rubbed her lips together as tears ran down her cheeks.

Arizona rubbed her palms together, staring down as she did so and then just came out with the information she was given before "Derek's been shot"

Chloe's head snapped to her "What?"

She nodded "In the chest. After Clark shot Becs he made his way up. Found him and shot him"

" he?"

Callie then chimed in "Stable, last time we were told"

Chloe ran her fingers through her hair as the information processed "Does he know about Beca?"

"Well we haven't seen him so I guess not. Unless someone who saw her go into the van saw" Arizona shrugged "I don't know I just wanted to get here"

She soon felt Chloe slip her hand with hers and hold onto her gently. The three of them then just fell silent as they waited, all getting lost in their own thoughts about Beca. Chloe just thinking of all the time they've had together, from their very first date to them just lying in bed together laughing, every time they kissed. How warm and fuzzy Beca would constantly make feel and she never wanted that feeling to go away.

Arizona just thought of all the stupid and immature things they would do like everytime they tried to bake they would just get into a food fight, or every time they watched a movie they would try and jump scare each other whenever they watched a thriller. She lost a brother a long time ago but Beca filled that void almost. She was her little sister.

And Callie just thought about how much of a caring person Beca was. How well she would listen when Callie wanted to vent to someone with a problem, whether it was about Arizona, work or even her family it didn't matter, Beca was always there to be as much support as possible. Everyone needed someone like her in their lives.

None of them were ready for Beca Mitchell to be gone from their lives. They would never be ready for that. It felt like they were waiting forever, maybe they were. But when they saw a surgeon come towards them with their scrub mask away from their face, they shot up onto their feet and waited.

The surgeon let out a breath and held his hands up "The surgery was a success"

All three of them let out the biggest sigh of relief they have ever given out. But then when Chloe looked back to him, she saw that his expression was not how she felt it would be if success was the full story "What?"

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