Chapter 18: Death And All His Friends

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It was been three days since Beca and Chloe had their argument and Callie and Arizona broke up. Neither things were resolved. Beca still didn't want to talk to Chloe and visa versa. Callie still wanted a baby and Arizona didn't so those two also went on not fixing their problems.

Beca just worked through her anger and annoyance that she had towards her girlfriend then went home to be angry and annoyed with Arizona until Arizona started to cry, then she had to throw her feelings away and comfort her.

The people who did let her vent with no emotional baggage of their own were over an hour away in LA.

"You haven't spoke for three god damn days!" Amelia practically shrieked when Beca skyped her and Addison in the morning, with Addison then adding "Don't forget the part where she didn't tell us till now"

Beca stood in front of the laptop that was on the kitchen counter as she made herself her morning coffee, shoving her cup under the nozzle of the machine and flipping the switch before turning back and facing them "Look, I'm sorry but when I have a fight with my girlfriend you guys, funnily enough aren't the top thing on my mind"

It fell silent for a moment before hearing Amelia just state boldly "Rude "

Beca rolled her eyes as Addison went over everything in a brief manner just to clarify "So. She had lunch with her ex, was going to not tell you and says she's lied about having a boyfriend"

Okay, so maybe that wasn't exactly how it was. Maybe Beca was trying to make Chloe sound like more of a bad guy than she was in order to defend her harsh words that she gave to Chloe that night, but then again she didn't want Amelia and Addison to think bad of her. This was a double edged sword really. She was mad at Chloe but still adored her and she hated her for it.

"Well. I mean she said she would've told me and she didn't exactly tell them she had a boyfriend she just didn't tell them the specific gender of who she was dating and they've presumed"

There was another silence till Addison broke it this time "You do remember how hard it is to come out right?"

Beca rolled her eyes yet again "Yes-okay maybe I overreacted"

" Maybe ?"

"Addie who's side are you on?" to which Amelia held her hand up "We're your family. Of course we are on yours"

"Thank you" Beca sighed out of relief, with her sister then adding on "Even if you have blown it out of proportion"


"Becs it's fine. In the moment we've all done the same"

Addison nodded to the neurosurgeons words and then had an idea spring into her head "Oh! You should come here"

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah yeah like y'know. 'When having a fight with your girlfriend you come to LA and visit your sisters' thing"

Beca stared at the redhead and shook her head with the shrug of her shoulders "That's not a thing that happens"

"We can make it a thing"

"No we can't"

Amelia shrugged "We can pioneer that"

"No we-" Beca groaned when pinching the bridge of her nose and screwed her eyes shut. She dropped it back down and looked to them "I can't up route to LA in the middle of work"

"We'll say we need you on a case"

"I'm a resident not an attending-besides even if I could get out of work I can't get out of Arizona and her breakdowns" the two women on the other side of the screen let out an awkward 'oof' at the remembrance that Callie and Arizona were still broken up. Addison nodded her head "I spoke to Callie yesterday. She sounds real cut up, how's Arizona?"

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