Tyler Breeze x Josy Uso

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Tyler and Josy have been friends for a long time they met when they were in NXT together and at first Josy wasn't a fan of Tyler because she thought that he was to much of a weirdo and a nerd but as she got to know him she realized that he is a sweet heart and has a passion for wrestling just like her and the more they hung out the more they realized they has a lot in common for example they liked the same wrestlers growing up they had been watching WWE or as it was back in the day the WWF they got trained by the same hall of famer then they got into the WWE in the same year just different months but after they met each other they became the best of friends but the two people that didn't really care for Tyler were her twin brothers Jimmy & Jey but one night on Smack down live Tyler and Josy were walking around the arena when Tyler suddenly stopped and whispered in her ear "I am in the mood for some love making tonight are you in the mood because I want to be rough and I will even use hand cuffs on you?"

Then Josy said "Sure lets go."

They went back to their hotel and made some rough but passionate love. 

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