Roman Reigns X Camron Key

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Roman and Camron have been friends for a long time they met through a mutual friend of theirs Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins) and from then on its been history they hang out all the time on Smack Down before and after the show they basically do everything together they are road buddies and room mates they are there for each other through everything even when Roman went through a very nasty divorce with Galaina but the good thing he got out of the divorce was his three kids which he got full custody of them which means his ex wife gets no visitation what so ever.

The reason he filed for a divorce is because he found out from his daughter Joelle because one night she was being sneaky and on her moms phone going through her text messages and found some very dirty messages between her and  another guy so she took some screen shots of the messages and sent them to her phone then she sent them to her father when her father saw these messages he was devastated because he has never done anything like that to her he was 100 percent faithful in his marriage but once he found this out he filed for the divorce and pushed for full custody of his three kids and he also moved out of his house and took the kids with him.

Another reason he got full custody of the kids is because Joelle told him that her mother was being verbally abusive to all three of them calling them mean names and yelling at them over everything even if it was the smallest thing she yelled at them and Roman took the kids because he didn't want them to be in that kind of environment and another thing Joelle told him is that their mom's new boyfriend was very rude to them but never laid a hand on them because they know how to defend themselves Roman taught them.

Anyways Roman confessed his feelings for Camron one night and they went on a date and what was one date turned into many more dates Camron even met his kids and they loved her and considered her to be their mom which made her smile because she considered them to be her children.

One night after a hard fighting and winning night on Smack Down Camron and Roman were relaxing in their hotel room they both showered at the arena and now were relaxing in bed.

But then Camron Turned towards Roman and kissed him with so much passion then he kissed her back with just as much passion then he climbed on top of her still kissing her lips then he started kissing her neck leaving his mark on her she did the same thing to her then they both took their clothes off of each other then Camron noticed the size of his man hood which caused her eyes to wide then Roman noticed her wide eyes then he chuckled then he said " Do you want a condom on me or no?"

Then Camron said "No you can cum inside me if you want."

Then Roman took off his boxers and her bra and underwear then he started pushing himself inside of her then they both moaned at the feeling of Roman being inside her then his started picking up the pace a little by putting her legs around his waist then they both moaned louder at the sensation then they both released at the same time causing them to moan each others names then Roman stayed on top of her then he said "I forgot to ask you Cam will you be my girl friend?" Then Camron said "I would love to be your girl friend Roman.

Then they both fell asleep with a smile on their faces.

A.N:I know this one has a bit of drama in it involving Roman's wife but none of the drama is true I just wanted to add some drama because I thought it would be interesting.

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