Extreme Flair (Jeff Hardy x Charlotte Flair)

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Jeff Hardy and Charlotte Flair have known each other since they were in middle school also they are best friends and have had each other's backs since day one and Jeff was out with an injury due to Samoa Joe and was making his return to Smackdown Live as Charlotte's mystery tag team partner but she doesn't know at all.

Charlotte's P.O.V

I was up next for my tag team match but the thing is I don't know who my partner is and our opponents are Mike & Maria Kanellis anyways who ever my partner is I am looking forward to working with them. I made my way to the ring and got into the ring and waited for my tag team partner I was hoping that it was my long time friend Jeff Hardy.
I heard the theme Loaded hit and I had the biggest smile on my face as the announcer said "Her tag team partner making his return to Smackdown Live from Cameron North Carolina weighing in at 225 pounds Jeff Hardy." I even started crying because it has been a long time since I have seen Jeff he got inside the ring and did his pose then made his way over to me and hugged me tight then I whispered into his ear "Its so good to see you Jeff why didn't you tell me you were coming back?" Then he whispered into my ear " Maybe I wanted to surprise you Charlotte and from what it looks like you are happy I am back. " Then the match got started with Jeff versus Mike while me and Maria stood on the apron about half way through the match Jeff tagged me in so I got into the ring and started beating the crap out of Maria I wanted to pay tribute to Jeff by using a couple of his moves I did the Twist Of Fate then I got onto the top rope and threw up the hardy guns and did the Swanton Bomb then I pinned her and got the three count then the announcer said "Here are your winners the team of Jeff Hardy and Charlotte Flair."  Then Jeff got into the ring and have me the biggest hug then he said "Those moves were extremely awesome Charlotte do you wanna go out to dinner with me tonight?" I smiled and said "I would love to go out to dinner with you tonight just let me go shower and get ready then I will meet you outside here alright?" Then Jeff said "Okay Char that sounds like a plan to me see you soon." Then I gave him a hug and walked to my locker room to shower and change into a pair of nice jeans and a nice button up shirt and a leather jacket. I also curled my hair and put half of my hair into a ponytail and left the other half down then I did my make up simple then I put on my leather high heal boots that go all the way up to my knee I was so excited to hang out with Jeff.

Jeff's P.O.V

I was so excited to hang out with Charlotte tonight because it's been a while since I have been able to be with her because I was out with my shoulder injury and the look on her face when I walked into the ring as her partner made me smile anyways I changed out of my ring gear and hopped into the shower. After my shower I got dressed in a nice red button down shirt then I picked out a nice pair of jeans then I put on my nice leather cowboy boots and put my hair into a nice man bun then I also made sure that I had all of my bags with me. Then I made my way to Charlotte's locker room and knocked on the door. Then Charlotte smiled and said "Now this is funny we both are wearing matching clothes how did you know I was going to wear Red?" Then I said "I just guessed hahaha shall we go?" Then Charlotte said "Yes we shall go Jeff. By the way you look amazing I have never seen you dressed up." Then I said "Thank you Charlotte you look beautiful as always." Then Charlotte said "Aww thanks Jeff you always know how to make me smile and I appreciate all of your support it really means a lot to me seeing how much you care about me and after my break up with Andrade I didn't know where to go but the first person I thought of was you because you comfort me and give me advice that I take to heart and between you and me I have had my eyes on you for a long time I just never said anything because I didn't think you would feel the same way about me and also I know that you are going through a divorce right now and I just wanted to let you know that I will always be there for you whenever you need to talk about anything because that's what friends do for each other."  Then I said "Thank you Charlotte that means the world to me and of course I will always be there for you because you are my best friend and also just to let you know that my divorce is finalized and now I am single and ready for a relationship if your ready to be in one of course." Then Charlotte said " I have been ready for a relationship for fifteen months now and if your asking me to be your girlfriend then my answer is yes because I've had my eyes on you ever since we were in middle school I just never said anything because I didn't know if you would feel the same way about me. " Then I said "Aww thanks Charlotte I have also had my eyes on you since middle school I was also scared to tell you because I didn't think you would ever like me like that."

No One's P.O.V

So Charlotte and Jeff went out on their date and had a fantastic time then they went out on more dates and eventually got engaged and lived happily ever after.

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