Amber Styles x Seth Rollins

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Amber Styles P.O.V
Allen has been acting like a royal douche bag these past couple of weeks and I don't know why he ditches me when we have tag team matches together and it really hurts me that my own flesh and blood would ditch me like that I don't know what to do about it and the only support I have is from my from my friend Colby Lopez aka the king slayer Seth Rollins and the shield they have been there for me since Allen started being rude to me I even told them about Allen ditching me during matches and lets just say they were not happy at all.
I am going to go to the ring and do a segment with Allen and ask him why he is being a ass hat to his own sister so I made my way to the ring and asked for a microphone and then I said "For the past couple of weeks my brother has been a jerk to me and I don't understand why at all so ALLEN GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I HAVE SOMETHING THAT I WANNA SAY TO YOU!"
Then Aj's music hit and he came out to the ring with his buddies but he told them to stay out of the ring then he climbed into the ring and then I said "Allen I wanna know what the hell is going on with you because for the last fourteen days you have been nothing but rude to me whenever we have a tag match together you always ditch me whenever I go to tag you into the match and it hurts me and I wanna know what you would do that to your own flesh and blood? "Then Allen said "I don't have to explain a damn thing to you Amber what makes you think you deserve an explanation because of my actions?"
Then I said "I think I deserve an explanation because family is supposed to stick together through thick and thin when I first came to WWE you were the first one to take me under your wing and then we started teaming together then ever since Gallows and Anderson came into the company you let them come in between us and that hurts me a lot knowing that my own brother doesn't want anything to do with me and when I was in the middle of a match last week and got a three on one beat down last week from you three and the person that came to save me was Seth Rollins and his friends but where were you at Aj? Huh you were right there joining in and beating the crap out of me what do you have to say for yourself?"
Then Allen said "I want nothing to do with you Amber you are nothing but a cold hearted bitch and I wish that you would have never came to this company you never have time to spend with me and the reason I have been thinking about hurting you it's because you are nothing but a cold hearted bitch."Then I said "Allen why would you say such disrespectful things to me what did I ever do to you and you have the balls to call me a bitch and another thing I always make time for us to hang out together it just feels like you never make time for me and ever since you turned heal you just turned into this utter douche bag and not caring about what the WWE  universe has to say."The next thing I knew Allen slapped me in the face and started attacking me along with his buddies I was scared that no one was going to help me fight these three off then out of nowhere I heard the shield's music hit and all three of them ran down the ramp and into the ring and pulled my brother,Gallows and Anderson off of me and opened a can of whoop ass of them and I was happy that I had some help defending myself I was really scared and hurt that my own brother would attack me for no reason then Seth picked me up and carried me backstage to their locker room and then Seth sat down on the couch with me still on his lap then I just broke down and started crying because never in a million years would I ever think that my brother would betray me I am really devastated at his behavior I wish I wasn't related to him so next week I am going to talk to Stephanie and see if I can change my ring name. I am no longer a styles I am a Rollins.
Seth Rollins P.O.V
Me and my boys are beyond pissed off that Aj Styles would beat the living hell out of his own sister and to have his friends help him is just the lowest thing I have ever seen him do I was friends with him but after seeing him do that to Amber the guys and I had to do something before he did something that would have ended her career so me Roman and Dean ran out there to help Amber fight off her shitty excuse of a brother and his friends then I picked her up and we got out of the ring and went backstage to our locker room and then I sat down on the couch with Amber still in my lap then she started bawling her eyes out then I said "Amber it's alright you are with the shield now it'll be alright how about you go and get your stuff from the locker room that your shared with him and all four of us will go to mine and the guys hotel room and do whatever you want how does that sound beautiful lady?" Then Amber said "That sounds phenomenal Seth thank you guys for coming to save me from them I really appreciate it." Then Roman said "Amber we have always considered you to be our sister and what just happened out there was inexcusable and unbelievable we love you lots now Colby here the on the other hand feels something towards you he likes you as more then just friends he was just a scaredy cat because he didn't wanna tell you how he felt because he was afraid that you wouldn't feel the same way about him he always talks about you whenever you're not around." Then Amber turned around and said to me "Seth is this true what they are telling me right now?" Then I said "Yes it is true what they are telling you right now Amber. I have had feelings for you for a long time and I didn't want say anything I was going tell you today but then everything happened with Allen and I never got the chance to pull you aside to say anything to you until now." Then Amber said "Aw Colby you are the sweetest person I have ever met you are honestly you are a really good looking person and honestly tonight when you ran out to the ring to help me with Allen it really showed me how much you care about me and that is one thing that attracts me to you. What do you say we go out to dinner tomorrow night?" Then I said "I would love to go out to dinner with you tomorrow night Amber we don't have to go anywhere fancy we can go somewhere casual because I know fancy places aren't really your thing ." Then Amber said "You are right about that fancy places aren't really my thing am I picking you up or are you picking me up?" Then I said "I will be picking you up tonight beautiful lady what time sounds good to you?" Then Amber said "How about right after the show ends tonight because we are staying in the same hotel and my room is right next door to yours?" Then I said "That sounds good to me Amber well me and the guys have to go and beat up your brother and his goons. Are you going to head to the hotel right now?" Then Amber said "Yes I am because I have to get ready for our date tonight." Then I said "Okay cool. I will see you when I come and pick you up beautiful." Then Amber said "Okay Colby make sure you three kick their asses for me please!" It was then Roman spoke up and said "Oh baby girl we plan to and when we win we will dedicate our victory to you!"  Then Amber said "Aw you guys are the best!" Then she gave each one of us hugs and kisses on the cheek when she got to me she hugged me the longest then she whispered in my ear "For our date tonight I am going to dress up a little but not too much." Then I nodded my head at her then I turned to my boys and said "Boys it's time to go and kick three douche bags asses are ya'll ready?" Then Dean said "Hell yes we are! Let's do this for Amber!" Then we all smiled then we walked out of our locker room to make our way to the stairs.


Let's just say me and my boys brought justice for Amber and we whooped some ass!

We were on cloud nine because we served some justice for a dear friend of ours and damn did it feel good!

We walked back into our locker room with smiles on our faces I grabbed my bags and walked into the bathroom to take a shower for my date tonight with one of my best friends and I will admit that I am a little nervous because I have not been on a date in a long time I got done in the shower and got dressed in a nice pair of black jeans and tennis shoes and a black and brave t-shirt Joe and Jon were sitting on the couch that we have in the room on their phones probable texting their wives then they looked up at me and said  "Have fun tonight man!"  Then I said "Thanks guys." I grabbed all of my bags and walked out of the locker room to my rental car that I drove to the arena tonight I put my bags in the backseat of the car and got into the driver seat and drove to the hotel to pick up my crush.

I got to the hotel and put my bags in my room then I walked next door to Amber's room and knocked on the door and then it opened and she was wearing one of my merchandise shirts which she made into a crop top and a nice skirt that ends at her knees and a pair of high heals. 

I could not stop looking at her because of how beautiful she looked which she noticed and it made her blush which made me smile then she walked out to me and locked her hotel loom door and then we walked back out to my rental and both got in and then we went to our favorite place Applebee's and had a blast I paid our bill then we walked back to my rental and got in and drove back to the hotel then being the gentleman I am I walked Amber back to her room and then she turned to me and said "Thank you for an amazing dinner Colby I had a fantastic time tonight!" Then I said "Your welcome Amber I also had a fantastic time with you tonight beautiful!" Then she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me I hugged her back just as tight then she gave me a kiss on the cheek causing me to blush then I did the same thing and she blushed also we both said goodnight to each other then went our own ways. 

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