Seth Rollins x Becky Lynch

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Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch have been together for almost a year they met through a friend of theirs Roman Reigns (Not In Real Life) and they have been inseparable ever since the beginning of their relationship. Their relationship consists of laughs and giggles and sometimes pranks (Mostly Seth pranking Becky) but they have a great time together but today was Monday night raw and they were on their way to the arena for the show but this addition of Raw was going to be a special night because Seth was going to ask Becky the biggest question ever.
He was going to ask her to  marry him and only Roman Reigns and Vince McMahon  and Dean Ambrose knew about this and Vince is letting Seth do this in front of the entire world and he was happy because he was going to have his best friends in the ring with him recording the whole thing and he was nervous but he was excited to spend the rest of his life with Becky anyways the shield arrived at the arena and then they walked inside the arena then they walked to their locker room then Roman said "Hey Seth are you proposing to Becky at the opening of the show or after her match?"
Then Seth said "When the show starts but you and Dean are going to be out there with me if that's alright with you two because I am nervous as all hell right now and I just want everything to go perfect but I have never been this nervous before."
Then Roman said  "Of course Seth you know that Dean and I will always be by your side no matter what because we are brothers and we stick together through thick and thin and we have the bond to prove that even though we have had our differences in the past but we always managed to get through it together. Anyways let's go and get to the gorilla because the show starts in five minutes."
Then the shield walked to the gorilla and waited for their music to hit but Dean Ambrose noticed that Seth was shaking then he whispered into his ear "Bro you need to relax I know your nervous but you got this just take a deep breath and lets go."
Then you heard their theme got them they walked out to the ring with smiles on their faces then they got into the ring and then Seth got a microphone then he said "What's up Atlanta? Now I know you weren't expecting us to be out here at the beginning of the show but I have something that I wanna ask a certain someone to come out here Becky Lynch would you come out here please?"
Then Becky's music hit then she came out in a red and strapless dress then she also had red high heals on then she slowly walked down the ramp to the ring and you could see the confusion all over her face then Roman and Dean walked over to the ropes and held them open for Becky then she smiled at both of them then she walked over to Seth and have him a hug and kiss then she got herself a microphone then she stood right in front of Seth.
Then without her noticing Roman and Dean pulled out their phones and started recording then Seth said "First of all babe I called you out here because I have a very important question to ask you but before I do that I just wanted to tell you that you mean the world to me and if it wasn't for Joe (Roman) I wouldn't have met you you have been there for me since day one and if it wasn't for your love and support I wouldn't be able to do my best here in this ring but I do and you support me and the guys behind me whenever I do anything stupid you always yell at me but after me being goofy you smile. You are my best friend and the love of my life and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you I know we have only been together for almost a year but I can't picture my life without you in it so Rebecca Marie Quinn will you make me the luckiest and happiest man in the world and marry me?" By now Becky was in tears she was even shaking Seth got down on one knee and pulled out the most beautiful ring ever then Becky put her microphone up to her mouth and said "Hell yes I will marry you Seth I love you so freaking much." Then Seth stated crying because he was going to spend the rest of his life with Becky.
He got up and put the ring on her finger then he gave her the biggest hug and kiss then Roman and Dean quit recording then put their phones away then Roman picked up a microphone then he said "Congratulations to my best friends but Becky we also wanted to ask you if you would be in our corner when we take on Baron Corbin,Drew McIntyre and Elias thought? You can be our manager because we know that they are going to have Lacey Evans in their corner tonight so what do you say?"
Then Becky said "I will be in your corner tonight boys and I will also be your manager and you can BELIEVE THAT!" Then all four of them shared a group hug then they put their fists in the middle then Becky said the shield's famous catch phrase "Believe that and Believe in the shield."
Then they went  backstage to their locker room to get ready for their match then Becky put on a shield t-shirt then a pair of leather pants then they walked to the gorilla and waited for their music to hit before they walked out Becky hopped onto Seth's back making him smile and blush then they got into the ring then Becky hopped off of Seth's back then she whispered to all three of them "Good luck guys when all three of you win we will go out for drinks to celebrate and its all on me alright?" Then Roman said "That sounds like a plan to us Becky but Dean and I will pay for our for our drinks out treat." Then Seth said "Okay guys that sounds fine to us." Then the match got started with Baron and Seth then Lacey tried to interfere in the match then Becky ran over to the other side of the ring and jerked her off of the apron and said to her "Stay the hell away from my fiance you bitch these mind games are getting old." Then the match continued then Baron got the upper hand and tried to put his feet on the ropes to get the win then Becky pushed his feet off of the ropes and then Baron got out of the ring and went face to face with Becky then went to hit her but what he didn't realize was that Seth was right behind him then Becky pointed behind him then he was met with a triple superkick then a spear from hell by Roman then got the three count then Becky climbed into the ring and hugged all three of them then she kisses Seth then all four of them got out of the ring and went backstage to their locker room and changed out of their clothes then they put on some nicer clothes and then they walked out to the parking garage to find their rental car then Seth said to Roman and Dean "Hey guys I'm going to ride with Becky back to the hotel okay?" Then Roman said "Okay that's fine see you back at the hotel guys." Then Seth and Becky got into their car then Becky said "I totally was not expecting you to pop the question Colby but I am happy that you did I love you so much I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." Then Seth said "I also can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you Becky you mean the world to me I would do anything and everything to make you happy I mean seeing you with that adorable simile on your face always brightens up my day you have been my best friend for many years now and I never plan on letting you go anywhere you are my babygirl and I never want to lose you ever." Then Becky said " I never plan on losing you either Seth always and forever. "

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