Seth Rollins x Nikki Bella fluff

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Nikki Bella was on her way to see her best friend Seth Rollins well more like surprise him because she has not seen him in a few months and she had neck surgery a year and a half ago and she got a call from her doctor last week saying that she was clear to start wrestling again and no one one knew about it except for her. She found Seth's locker room and knocked on the door then a few seconds later he opened the door and had the biggest smile on his face then his jaw dropped then he started crying because he was in a lot of shock then he pulled her into his arms for a tight hug then he said " Oh my god Nicole why didn't you tell me that you were coming back to work? " Then Nikki said " I wanted to surprise you Seth which I can tell that I did based on the fact that you are crying and you are hugging me really tight I can tell that you missed me and remember when Kurt told you that you will have a mystery person in your corner he picked me because he knows the chemistry between us and he also knows that I really care about you and we have been best friends for a long time and I want us to be more then friends considering we both just went through break ups I love you Colby and I have loved you for a long time I just didn't know how to tell you because I was scared that you were going to reject me. "Then Seth said "Why in hell do you think that I would reject you Nikki you are a very attractive person and I am grateful for having someone like you in my life you have been by my side since day one and I love you for that I will never in a million years would I ever leave you alone remember when that jackass John Cena started abusing you? Who was there for you right away?I was because I was on my way to talk to you until I heard screaming coming from John's locker room so I rushed there and kicked the door down and saw John hitting you and that really made me madder then hell because I saw the woman I love being abused and I knew that I had to do something before John went to far and did something that would really hurt you." Then Nikki said " Seth I appreciate everything that you have done for me in the past couple of years you have treated me like a queen and I love you for that reason I trust you with everything that I have and everything that I am just seeing you makes my whole day better. " Then Seth said "Okay we can be all lovey dovey after my match tonight so I will let you get yourself changed and I will meet you at the gorilla okay?" Then Nikki said "Okay that sounds like a plan to me handsome see you in a few minutes. Love you." Then Seth said "I love you too Nikki. See you in a few minutes." Then Seth left his locker room so Nikki could change her clothes she changed into a Burn It Down crop top with the sleeves cut off then she put a pair of leather pants on then she did her hair and then she put her hat on then she left the room and walked to the gorilla to meet up with Seth. Then Seth looked at Nikki and said "Damn girl you look hot in my merch you know that right?" Then Nikki said "I know that I look good in your merch." Then Seth told the tech team to hit his music and he grabbed Nikki's hand and walked to the ring then the announcer said "The following contest is scheduled for one fall introducing first accompanied by Nikki Bella from Davenport Iowa weighing 217pounds he is the intercontinental champion Seth Rollins." The crowd went wild because Nikki was with Seth then Seth got into the ring and did his pose then he took off his title and shirt and handed both of them to Nikki then he leaned down to whisper in her ear "After the match I will tell everyone why you came out here with me off its okay with you?" Then Nikki whispered into his ear "Yes it's it's okay if we tell everyone because they deserve to know what a monster John is." Then Seth's opponent made his way to the ring his opponent was Sami Zayn then Seth and Nikki started laughing hysterically because Sami is one of the easiest people to beat all it took was a super kick and a Curbstomp to beat him then Sami rolled out of the ring and walked backstage while Nikki climbed into the ring and stood beside Seth while he got a microphone from the announcer then he said " Okay I know you guys are really confused as to why Nikki is out here with me the reason she is out here with me is because last week she was with John Cena and then he started abusing her and last week I was on my way to her locker room to talk to her when I heard screaming coming from her locker room so I knocked the door down and caught him hitting the woman that I love with all my heart being abused and now John has been fired from the company and Nikki has left his ass and he will never come back to the wwe I am not going to make any moves right now because we both just went through break ups and you all know that Nikki and I have known each other for a long time and you guys always see us together after shows and how we always hang out with each other. Now I have one question for you guys. Will you support Nikki and I if we started dating? " Then the crowd started chanting yes then Nikki and Seth left the ring and went backstage to Seth's locker room once they got in there they sat on the couch then Seth turned to Nikki and said "Do you want to go out to dinner with me tonight Nikki?" Then Nikki said "I would love to go out to dinner with you tonight Seth what time will be picking me up?" Then Seth said " How does seven o'clock sound? " Then Nikki said 'Seven sound good to me should I dress formal? " Then Seth said "Yes dress formal because I am taking you to a really romantic restaurant here in town okay?" Then Nikki said "Okay Seth my room number is 217 see you later." Then Seth said "Okay Nikki see you later." Then Seth and Nikki went their separate ways they drove back to their hotel to get themselves ready for dinner tonight Nikki went into her room and was looking for something to wear for dinner so she went with a red and strapless dress with sparkles all over the dress and the dress ended at her knees. Then she went into the bathroom to do her hair she curled her hair and put the top half of her hair up then she left the bottom half alone then she put a flower in her and then she did her makeup and then she did her makeup she used red eyeshadow and red lipstick then she was sitting on her bed waiting for Seth to show up the five minutes later she hears a knock on the door so she got off the bed and walked over to the door and opened it to see Seth standing there in a black suit and red vest and black pants he has a bouquet of red roses in his hands then he gave the bouquet to Nikki and then he said "Wow Nikki you look stunning." Then Nikki said "Aww thanks Seth you look stunning as well and thank you for the flowers these are beautiful and they are my favorite how did you know?" Then Seth said " You told me what your favorite flowers were remember? " Then Nikki said "Oh my god yes I remember telling you that I just forgot for a minute because I don't have that good of a memory but I do remember when we first met." Then Seth said " I remember that day like it was yesterday and ever since then we have been inseparable let's go and get some dinner then we will go for a walk on the beach okay? " Then Nikki said "That sounds romantic to me Seth you are literally the best thing that has ever happened to and I don't know what I would do without you in my life. Let's go eat I am hungry." Then Seth said "Okay Nikki let's go eat. " Then Seth and Nikki left the hotel and went to the most romantic restaurant in town Seth paid for everything then they went to the beach which was right across the street from the restaurant they walked through the sand with their shoes off then they looked at the stars then they lived happily ever after.

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