04. 2 Solos, One Maddie

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I was editing the story this morning and I have 200 reads! I love you guys to pizza and back. And pizza is a very big deal to me. I would have published this chapter yesterday but it was Ash Wednesday and I spent most of my day in Manhattan. Oh wow you guys don't want to hear my personal life. Anyways... cue badly written chapter.


Miss Abby told me before pyramid in the bathroom that I was going to have two solos. I don't even think my mom knows yet. I'm doing Cry again, and a tap piece. I know for sure that the moms will act angry for the cameras but I do two solos every year since I take a tap private every week and they know that. But I do feel bad that I have twice the chance of winning. But at least all of the girls were doing solos, and three groups. But none of the groups would be filmed for the show, and Chloe and I would do our duet again. This week is so tiring, and I don't think I can handle being on top of the pyramid this week. The moms will go berserk.

The girls and I take our coats off and get our hair ready in the dancers den, quietly.
I decided to end the awkward silence. "So how's your hip Brooke?"
"Fine" she mumbled.
"You might even be on top of the pyramid, especially for that handstand twist."
She smiled. "Thanks Mads."
We piled into pyramid and Abby talked about our victory at Starbound. She also talked about Brooke being so dramatic about her hip. Out of all the girls, I was probably the closest to Brooke and I saw her fight through the pain even though she shed a tear or two during that dance. It was pure torture for that dance. Or probably dance in general. Then, she turned the blackboard around...


Brooke's on top of the pyramid! I was sort of glad that Maddie wasn't on top. Maddie an I are basically the front contenders to be second and first in the pyramid and it's nice for the other girls to be on top.
I saw the moms' surprised faces out of the corner of my eye. I could also see Maddie's face. I know it wasn't because she wasn't on the top of the pyramid. We all want someone new on the pyramid every week. It was because the moms basically gave Brooke a standing ovation when she was on the top. I don't even think Brooke cared that much, she gave a smile or two but I know that look.


The next day I did a 'confessional' as they call it. I was really just talking to the cameras and they kept telling me to not break the fourth wall. Whatever that meant.

"So what is your solo called?" one of six million cameramen asked.

"I have a new solo this week called Mother."

Then one asked me who my biggest competitor was. Ugh, this is where the drama sets in. I had no idea reality TV would be like this.

"I think my biggest competition is probably Maddie."


"Cause shes a very good dancer."

"Have people told you that you're a very good dancer?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Now say that in a sentence honey and then you're done."

"People have told me that I'm a good dancer."

"Okay good sweetheart. You can go."

Finally. That grass in front of the studio was prickling my legs. I still don't understand why we can't do these things indoors but I tuned out when the cameramen were talking about filters and resolution and techie geeky stuff.


My mom wanted to invite all the moms over for lunch. Too bad us little people who needed to grow got nothing but a nutrition bar and juice. Cathy declined and Brooke and Nia are still practicing their solos, so it's just Maddie, Mackenzie, Paige and I. Kenzie went off to play with Clara, my little sister while Paige and Maddie and I were bored and decided to listen to what our moms were saying.

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