2: Desert Planet

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I walk into the control room, where General Organa is always at.

I walk up to her.

"There's a spy here," I whisper in her ear.

She looks at me, with eyes wide. I hand her the note and pull her away out of earshot.

"I wrote this note to Ben the day he destroyed the academy. And somehow it is folded differently and was sticking out of my drawer for me to find. Someone among us is a spy."

"Thank you, I'll keep the circle small for now. Keep all chambers locked from assistants and others. I'll make a policy and set it in place."

"Okay, I'm going to be leaving mid afternoon."

"Already?" She asks in a hushed tone.

"I have some idea on where I'm going. The Force will guide me, even if I don't like it when it does."

She hugs me.

"Well, may the Force be with you. Bring Han home."

"I will for you," I reassure. "Poe! Let's go!"

We walk to the docking port.

"Where we headed?" He asks.


"Thank God!" He exclaims. "I have a mission there."

"What's your mission?" I ask curious.

"I'm getting a piece of the map to find Luke."

"What?" I stop dead in my tracks. "Who gave you this mission?!"

"Organa. Who else?"

"I'm coming with you."

"Woah, really?" He asks.

"Yes," I reply. "Now get your ship ready."

"Oh, she's ready." He walks over to her and pats her wheel. BB-8 rolls over and speaks to his master. "Well c'mon then buddy." BB-8 then rolls over and is magnetized up into the ship. 

"Want me to pilot?"

Poe cocks his eyebrow and frowns.

"I'm just kidding," I chuckle. "Let's go."

I climb into the seat behind Poe and get strapped in and put on my headset.
"Cm. Ace and Poe departing docking port," he speaks in the headset and we fly out of the port and see our planet below us.

"I forgot what space looked like for a second," I laugh.

"Well, get ready to see a blur of stars. Commencing jump into hyperspace."

And just like that, the stars blur together and we travel through the galaxy at the fastest speed possible.

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