4: Wanted and Found

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Why am I wanted by the First Order? This makes no sense at all. I haven't done anything to go against them, except being apart of the Resistance. TIE fighters begin to fire on the castle and keep circling around. I need to warn Han and Chewie.

I begin to run back to castle but the fighters spot me and begin to fire at me rapidly. I take cover behind a small rock wall. I will never make it back to the castle door. I look at the door and then it opens, Han and Chewie are in the door way.

"Han!" I yell. "The First Order!"

He looks up to the sky and draws his blaster. He nods to me, telling me he's ready for the fight. If the First Order is after me, maybe I can lead them through the forest.

I jump out from behind the wall I was hiding behind. I wave my arms in the air.

"Over here!"

I hear Han yelling at me to stop and what I'm doing is stupid, but I don't care. If they want me, they don't know what they're in for.

I begin to make a run for the trees when shots are trailing behind me. I go into the woods and crouch so I can still see what's happening. I see several First Order carriers releasing storm troopers and that's when I see it. A command ship. I watch as the doors of the shuttle open. My chest feels like it is instantly electrocuted, the figure exiting the ship must feel it too, because he stumbles. I know exactly who it is. It's Ben.

I hear a trooper tell him that I ran off into the woods. That's when I start to run. I'm not ready to see Ben again. I don't want to see him. I don't want to talk to him. I run as fast as I can and as far as my feet will carry me. I make it to a large formation of rocks and hide under it. My stomach is churning from the booze. I hear a twig snap, I gasp quietly. I cover my mouth with my left hand, my right hand clutches the hilt of my saber. The Force then gives me the feeling that I need to stop hiding and face it. It's unavoidable. I then hear the crackle of his light saber, and that's when I ignite mine.

He emerges behind the formation of rocks I was just at, as I slowly back up.

"I knew I would find you," the masked voice speaks.

"Stay away from me."

"Upset?" He questions.

He begins to walk toward me, his saber still ignited, as is mine.

"Don't," I snarl.

He lunges at me, and I block. His red saber and my blue one colliding created a purple hue.

I break the collision and step back.

"Please, Ben," I plead. "This isn't you."

"Who's Ben?" The voice asks, obviously mocking me. He lunges again, knocking my saber from my hand, holding his to my throat. "He's dead."

"No," I whisper. "Ben's alive. I know he is."

"You're wrong!" He curses. He drops his saber and holds out his hand, immobilizing me with the Force.

"You don't know me, not anymore," he states circling around me as I struggle to move. "It's Kylo Ren, not Ben."

"Ben," I croak. I could stop him from immobilizing me, but I don't.

"No!" He screams. "God, you've changed!"

"So have you, unfortunately," I retort.

He chuckles as he keeps circling around me. He picks up my saber and studies it.

"One of my old sabers."

He then attaches it to his hip, next to his other saber.

"Do you want to know why I ordered that you were wanted by the First Order?"

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