10: Snoke

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I force my eyes open and blink in the direction of the door. I notice that I am alone, so the door must be working again. I quickly get out of bed and slide on my pants from yesterday, and re-tie my hair up.

My mind instantly travels to the way Kylo's lips moved with mine, making me flush. It felt so surreal and natural. It was the first time anything like that has ever happened to me.

As soon as I begin to make my way to the door, it opens to reveal Kylo on the other side.

"You're coming with me," he commands.

"Well, good morning to you too."

I step out of his room and he pushes me in front of him, placing his hand on my back to make sure I keep going forward. We stop at an elevator and enter. The elevator begins to ascend upward and I begin to feel nervous.

What is going to happen next?

"Is this really happening?" I whisper as I look over at him. His head is down his hands in front of him.

"Yes," he speaks.

"Ben," I start. "I seen the night you turned, I understand what you felt, but you don't have to feel like that anymore. You don't have to bow to Snoke, the light still welcomes you."

"Well, I saw a vision that you will stand with me," he admits, staring directly into my eyes. "You stood right next to me. You embraced the dark with a smile."

I shudder and the doors open and as they do Kylo nudges me to walk. We enter and I see Snoke, sitting on his throne.

"Well done my apprentice. A commander, right? Former Jedi. Welcome."

We walk to the middle of the floor and Kylo kneels to the floor before him.

"Come here, child," he voices.

I don't move an inch, I will not obey him. But suddenly, I am sliding against the floor, stopping inches in front of him.

"I am not intimidated by you and neither is Ben, so you shouldn't underestimate him."

"Oh?" He chuckles. "You see this?" He holds up
my saber, and places it next to him. "You're done for."

"You shouldn't underestimate me, or Ben, I'm warning you," I reply.

"Have you seen something I haven't? No. It was simply my plan to lure you here, I knew that you wouldn't be able to resist seeing him, thinking that he would come with you back to the light. You're a fool."

"I am not!"

"You are! You are fool for being in love with someone who is gone!" He booms, his words hurting. "And now you'll give me the location of Skywalker!" He raises his hand against my temple, and I push myself away from him, but it only causes me to float in the air.

"No!" I scream. My throat begins to feel choked up, my eyes ready to explode in tears.

I look down at Kylo, as I fight Snoke's power to dive inside my mind, and I'm failing. I push as hard as I can but, still manage to fail and I drop to the floor.

"Interesting," he hums. He brings me back in front of his throne with the Force.

"What is it?" Kylo questions, his voice echoing.

"Well," he chuckles again, disregarding Kylo's question. "Skywalker will get the death he desires so much, the Jedi will die just as he wishes. And for you, you will receive the same death since you are indeed a part of the Jedi."

He looks at me and whispers. "I know your secret, Y/N."

"No," I gasp.

"Now I want you to see something. You see this?"

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