6: Visions

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I lay down, maybe I'm just over exhausted. I close my eyes and try to flip my switch to return to my original life, my boring reality. I open my eyes, thinking that I have returned to my old room, but nothing has changed. I'm still in my quarters. I try it again, again, and again, but still nothing.

I stand up, frantic. I can't go back to my other reality. Though I know that I said I would love to stay here forever, I need to know what's happening. Maybe this was why I was sick and in a coma for weeks.

I quickly change my old smelly clothes. I change into blue leggings and a white tee. I pull my hair in a quick bun and run out of my chamber.

A few hours have passed and I haven't seen Kylo again since. Rain is immediately at my side as soon as I exit.

"Rain, I need you to send a memo to General Organa for me, tell her I'm on my way to meet her at her quarters, it's urgent."

"Right away, Commander," she obeys and scurries away to fulfill my order.

I look to my right and see Poe and Finn sitting in the common area, Poe must have noticed my emotions and stands up, motioning Finn to follow.

"What's wrong?" He asks, trying to keep up with my walking pace.

"I can't discuss it until I know more information. I think it's about me being sick."

"Okay," he sighs, upset. "Leia wanted me to tell you that your ship is ready whenever you're ready to see Luke."

"I'm not worried about that at the moment," I reply. "Now if you don't mind." I walk into Leia's quarters, giving a slight knock.

"Leia, it's just me," I yell into her room. She exits from her office area.

"I got your memo, what's wrong?"

"I have to tell you something about me. But you have to promise not to tell anyone."

"What is it?" She questions again.

"You have to promise," I say shakily. "Please understand."

"Okay, I promise." I nod and take her hand, leading her to sit down on her bed.

"I have a special ability, and it has nothing to do with the Force, I think at least," I start. "I'm from a different reality. A reality where I have a real mom and dad, where I go to college."


"It's like academy, like a school to further your education in whatever you want to be," I answer.

"When I was only little, I traveled here. At first I thought It was just a dream, but then I figured out it was like a second life. I love it here, more than my original life. But, sometimes when I don't switch to my normal life, I get tired and I become weak. I thought that was why I was so sick, so I tried to go back to my normal reality."

"How do you do it?" She interrupts.

"I just close my eyes and flip a switch inside my head and then I wake up in a different bed in a different reality. It's something I do in my head, it's hard to explain."

She nods, and I continue.

"So I tried to switch back to my original reality and I thought I did, but when I opened my eyes, I was still here. This has never happened before, I have always been able to switch back, but now I can't. I'm stuck here."

"What could've caused this?"

"I don't know honestly," I admit. "But I'm thinking that is why I felt sick and was in a coma, because something happened inside my head that made me become stuck here. I just don't know what to do so I came to you for guidance, I just don't want you to hate me for hiding it from you all these years. I never told anyone."

"I'm thankful that you trust me with keeping your secret."

I pull her into a hug and thank her.

"Unfortunately, I don't think I have any answer that could help your situation, my dear."

"I was afraid that you would say that," I mumble into her shoulder, I pull away and look into her eyes. "Thank you for being a mother to me, and basically raising me like I was your own all this time."

"Anne," she smiles. "You brought joy into my life and Han's, even Luke's. But you brought the most joy to Ben's life."

"I know," I frown, the memory of seeing him earlier resurfaces, causing me to feel uneasy. "I just wish it was enough to save him from the dark."

"Don't look like that. I know, I wish too, " she soothes, picking up my drooping chin with her hand.

"It just hurts me."

"And it hurts me," she admits. "I should have never sent him away."

"I should have known that something was wrong."

I shake my head, shaking the toxic thoughts out of my brain.

"Anyways," I smile. "I will leave at dawn to see Luke. I'm going to go rest, or at least try to."

I get up and walk out of Leia's chamber. I make it back to my quarters and lay down. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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