Veteran and Player: "Good To Be Alive"

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A/n: If you haven't heard this song, highly recommend it. It's a great song. If you know the lyrics already then great! Just be chillin' this whole time.


Fuck you Wattpad.

Requested by: abnormal_toaster


Veteran's POV:

Late at night, I was walking through the corridors toward my room when I heard a shuffling around Player's room. One that wasn't just him walking around his room. Curious but also a little nervous about what I might walk into, I knock on his door.

He didn't answer.

It mostly just sounded like he was jumping about quietly so I very cautiously push open the door.

What Player was doing inside was adorable, I'll say that.

Player was bouncing around his room, whisper-singing to a song playing on his headphones. At one point he leaped up onto his bed and spread his arms apart, happily singing to a song. Soon after he caught me staring at him and lost his balance on his bed, tumbling down to the ground.

"What are you doing here?!" He asks me, tearing off his headphones.

"No no, don't let me stop you. That was actually quite cute, honestly." I say, ignoring his question. Player is an adorable bean to begin with, so of course if he danced it was going to be cute. "What song was that?"

"None of your business! Anyway, Veteran, can you get out? Please?" Player asks me a bit forcefully. I back away and turn around towards my own room, but I still can't stop thinking about how adorable Player was when he was singing a song.

You see, I've had a crush on him for a while now, I'm just too much of a wuss to actually tell him that. I figured if we are best friends, then we are best friends. I've already ruined a relationship like that by saying I loved them, so I don't want another Monika, that was the girl that I said I loved before. She just straight-up dumped me right there. That stung, deeply. Especially to someone as sensitive as me. No one knows I even HAD a girlfriend, and no one ever will. No one needs to know that.

I mean, I also fell in love with Greaser a while back, but he turned out to be a huge douche so I got rid of him pretty quickly.

I guess love really CAN blind you.

* * *


My teammate was Player. Speaking of Player, I still haven't worked up the courage to confront him about what he was doing last night, but I will eventually. Actually, I found him singing again. This time he was actually singing, not just whisper-singing.

I saw Player in one of the vents and took the chance to ask him.

"Hey what were you singing earlier?" I said in the most innocent, casual voice I could muster. He tenses a bit.

"Seriously, are you sure you're not a stalker? That's TWICE you've caught me singing, both without me knowing." His voice was serious at first but then melts into something a little more playful.

"I'm not complaining, really. You're good at singing."

He raises an eyebrow at me. "RrrrEalY?"

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