volume 2 part 7

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25th June 2022

I've been so busy lately!!! Lucky thing I'm still single (never thought I'd say that), I've been songwriting and recording and filming music videos non stop, most of my album is complete now, I think I only contributed in writing half of my songs and because I'm very talented recording didn't take that long, well it took like a month, but whatever. It's just the music videos, they are so stressful and hard, and they are really just a lot of work, but I'm super grateful to my team and all the people that are working for me, they are so amazing and talented and wonderful, and really it's a big thing for me to say that because I'm aware that if it wasn't for me they would probably be homeless, and yet here I am thanking them. My manager referred me to a psychologist because he thinks I'm having trouble handling all the stress that comes with being Booboo Baggage. I know that I'm incredibly famous and a lot of people look up to me as the role model, however I think I'm handling the stress well. I really don't know what he's doing, maybe the stress is getting to his head a little. I said that to him and then he was all like "Look Booboo, it's not just that, the whole thing with Maia, doesn't it concern you that you ever even considered dating her, I mean we all know she killed Griffin..." I really don't understand how he doesn't see my side of things, "Look I was sad, my ex just got killed! I was freaking out, I was panicking and I needed emotional support and the only reason Maia even killed him is because she so desperately wanted to provide that support for me, what would you have done? I'm not an angel dude, I'm a rooster and I'm sorry if that isn't good enough for you!" I was so frustrated by his INSOLENCE that I kicked a chair over and threw a vase at the wall, but I'm not even ashamed.

30th June 2022

I went to see my psychologist today for the first time, her name is Dr McDonald and she has one of those fancy offices where everything is made out of that shiny dark wood, mahogany I think. She also has one of those sexy little gold plated signs on her desk that says Dr A. McDonald. If only I actually needed to see her, but I don't because mentally I'm the strongest I've ever been. I guess I have to take in as much as I can for now. She made me lie down on one of those fancy bed things and she sat down next to me with a notepad and a pen. "Booboo, I understand that you have been referred to me by your manager, Mr. Sherman, is this correct?"


"Okay and do you know why he did that?"

1Honestly? No." She started writing something down on her little notepad, I wonder what it was.

"So, Booboo, tell me a little bit about yourself."

"I was born on the first on January 200-" She cut me off, SHE CUT ME (THE GREAT BOOBOO) OFF, I had never experienced such disrespect"

"No Booboo, I think you misunderstand me, I mean tell me about your personality"

"Well maybe make yourself more clear next time, and to think you're charging $200 an hour you dumbass, anyway I'm good looking, attractive, charismatic, kind, loving, hot, smart, sexy, talented, humble."

"I see, now are there any negative personality traits you'd like to mention?"

"Well unless being a chronic heartbreaker counts I sure don't think so!"

"Heartbreaker? Can you please elaborate?"

"What do you mean?"

"Okay well let me put it this way, how do you feel when you break someone's heart?"

"I don't know... it depends, when I cheated on my first girlfriend she broke up with me, which made me upset, but when I break up with someone else it doesn't bother me, I mean why would it, I don't like them anymore and I'm getting rid of them so that I can move on, so why would that upset me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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