Volume 2 part 4

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27th march 2022
I've been dating Griffin for around a month now... and I've got to admit I kind of like it. I don't know how I feel about him though, I do really care about him, but I just don't love him in the way that I loved Aphrodite or Henny, I kind of feel responsible for his feelings, and I don't want to hurt them, I think it's because I know that he loves me and I don't love him back, and I told him that I love him, so I'm lying to him and I feel guilty for leading him on. I haven't really felt guilty since I fell on Lorri. I don't know why I feel this guilty though, because even if I'm leading him on and lying to him, at least I'm giving him a chance, I could have just outright rejected, really I'm just acting out the charity of my own Rooster heart.

26th April 2022
I- I think I love Griffin, it's so strange. I don't know if it's romantic, because it's different, I think the fact that he's a guy is kind of getting in the way of our love. I do love him though, I don't know how to explain it, it's like if he was a Hen I would be down on one knee, but he's not and I don't know what to do. I do love him and I wish that we could be together, but I just don't know if we can stay like this. I love him but I don't and it's like there are two sides of my mind running in different directions with my heart and if I let them continue it's gonna tear in two. Booboo can't handle that again. I think I need to do something about this. I'm going to go talk to Griffin right now.

I texted griffin to meet me in the park, he said yes and we met about ten minutes later. I told him the news, I explained myself and he began to cry. It was so hard for me to watch, it's like I could feel his pain, I began to cry too, which was probably bad because Lorri told me once that I look really hot when I cry as I was crying about Henny. Anyway I just didn't wanna make this harder for griffin then it already must be, but I couldn't help it, it was just so painful to see him like that. He looked me in the eye after about ten minutes of crying, his eyes were bloodshot, his feathers were soaked and well... All I can say is that he definitely doesn't look as hot as me when he cries. But still it was sad even if he did look, well quite frankly he was hideous. He looked me in the eye and he spoke to me, he said "Booboo the way that, you've broken me is as such that I will never recover", as if I wasn't already aware of that, I nodded at him and he continued, "Booboo if you always knew that you were straight why did you date me, why did you lead me on..." How ungrateful, seriously, is he not aware that I could have just turned him down and ended it before either of us had a chance to develop any real feelings. "I was experimenting, and I decided to give you a chance Griff, Is that so wrong!"
"First of all, I'm a rooster, not a guinea pig, if you wanted to experiment I would have liked to know that before you pretended to fall in love with me, second of all don't ever call me Griff again, you've lost that right" everything he said was just more and more disgusting, I'm sorry for giving him a chance I-, that's not all though, "Is this what you did with Lorri, played with her because you were bored of Henny, what about Aphrodite did you even love her!"
"Yes and yes, I loved Aphrodite, possibly still do, but Lorri was mostly a distraction not gonna lie"
"Booboo you can't keep doing this, we're chickens, we all have feelings and you have no regard for them, I would have been fine with this if you'd told me from the start that you thought you might be straight, but you were willing to give me a try, I mean yes, I would have felt insecure with our relationship throughout, but I would have known that you were honest and that your heart was in the right place and Booboo, I would have always respected you for that, but now I don't know if your heart is in the right place, I don't even know if you have a heart. You cheated on your girlfriend OF TEN YEARS Booboo, why did you do that, why did you lie about being in love with me, why did you lie to Lorri, tell me honestly Booboo were you thinking about Aphrodite while you were with me?" He began to choke on his tears, what a mess! "Only for the first month or so..." Then... now this is going to shock you, the he slapped me, the disrespect! The audacity! Booboo has never, will never, can never deserve such treatment.  "BOOBOO WE ONLY DATED FOR THREE MONTHS, THAT'S ONE THIRD OF OUR RELATIONSHIP"
"Well no need to bring maths into this, you know Booboo isn't good with numbers."
"I don't care about you, I don't ever wanna see you again, in fact I just wanna die from sadness." As he said this that Cheerleader from school appeared from behind a nearby bush, It was Maia. She had her hair in a high pony, the dark brown bringing out the red hues in her feathers. She was wearing her cheerleader uniform, I really don't know why, kinda made her look dumb, anyway that's not the point. She came out of the bush and she spoke... "Poor little Griffy-wiffy wants to die from sadness" she said reaching one wing behind her back. "I think I can make half of that come true" she said as she brought her wing back in front of her then let it dangle by her side. In her hand was something silver... something shiny.... It was a knife. Griffin looked at Maia, horror masking his face. "N-no no no, I don't really want to die Mia put the knife down."
Maia laughed, "See I was willing to let you live, but then you had to stuff up by calling me Mia"
"Oh I'm sorry Maya"
"Maya? Maya! The name is Maia"
"Oh I'm so so sorry, I won't get it wrong again"
"Oh that's right Griffin because you won't have the chance" She began to spin the knife in her feathers.
"Okay MAIA, if you're gonna do this please, just do it now."
"No okay, let me explain myself first"
"I don't care, just make it quick"
"SHUT UP GRIFFIN, no one cares. Okay umm where should I start, so first of all, I have liked Booboo way longer than you have, okay so for you to just come here and date him, well that's just rude, okay. And you became friends with Henny and then she started wearing black jeans and we- we had a pact that no one in our group would ever do that, and you got her into music and now she's famous and she's more popular than me and I'm the schools center flyer, basically the best cheerleader. NO ONE SHOULD EVER BE MORE POPULAR THAN THE SCHOOLS HEAD CHEERLEADER. Everytime I see you I just see all the things that you've ruined for me and now I just can't stand to look at you anymore, so I decided the best way to handle this is to end you. So now I'm done I'm gonna kill you now" I will always remember everything she said and everything she did... but I just can't stand to mention that. Anyway I think it would be wrong, because it would seem like I'm trash talking her and I would never do that, I mean she's my girlfriend now and Booboo does not trash talk his girlfriend, well... not while they're dating me anyway.

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